This release is in the form of a single installer, and is a completely optional addon. However, due to many servers running the addon, we strongly recommend that everyone download and install it to avoid problems with servers running a mixed map rotation. The download links can be found on our official downloads page:
Project Reality: BF2 Vietnam Beta Trailer
While everyone is busy downloading the release, take some time to watch the official release trailer! We're sure it'll help get you in the mood to get your game face on and get some!
Project Reality: BF2 Vietnam Beta Features
While still in beta, the addon contains some impressive content. Of course, more content will come in the future, but for now, the following is including in this beta:
- 3 Factions, US Army, US Marine Corps and North Vietnamese Army
- 4 Maps, Battle of Ia Drang, Dien Duong, Barracuda and Tad Sae
- 20 new vehicles, including the A1H Plane, UH-1C Gunship and PBR Patrol Boat
- 14 new weapons, including the M20 Super-Bazooka, fully-automatic M14 and M79 grenade launcher
- Complex tunnel systems
- Fully functioning airplane dropped napalm
- And many more features!
April Fools Reactions
Due to the announcement happening on April Fools Day, there were some priceless reactions from the community, and much speculation all around. A lot of people remembered back to our original PR:BF2 Vietnam Announcement 2 years ago on April Fools, and many people were as confused and fooled as back then. Here are some of our favorite comments:SnipeHunt
The joke is that Vietnam has NEVER been worked on. Trolling the PR forums for 2 years now!
Tell us they're going to make Project Reality Vietnam on April Fools. People think it's April Fools joke but its not. Then tell us it's going to be released on April Fools with the directory of the pictures name "april_fools" only to tell us NOPE April Fools we were never going to release it.
Is this for real !? Or just one big joke to make the whole community fuzz about for a whole week
Stealth Clobber
I made the after April Fools Day PR News with my last quote about PRV, so I'm keeping my mouth shut with this one lol.Overall, the week long "jokeception" was very successful, and the overall community reaction gave the Project Reality Team great satisfaction and enjoyment. Thanks to all of you who participated!
Project Reality: BF2 Vietnam Beta Server Files
If you currently host a Project Reality game server, you would have received the server files for Project Reality: BF2 Vietnam via the Server Admin Control Panel in the last few hours. If you are interested in hosting a new server, please follow the link below to apply for a server license.
In conclusion, we hope that everyone enjoys Project Reality: BF2 Vietnam. Even though it is still in beta, we are confident that everyone can look past the slight amount of bugs that currently exist, and have an enjoyable time while fighting in the new environments. Please keep an eye out on the Project Reality: BF2 Vietnam forums for future announcements regarding updates and patches to this beta!
- The Project Reality Team