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[Bug] US M79 "q" commo-rose

Posted: 2012-04-12 06:39
by KiloJules

When right clicking a M79 GL and then selecting the range via "q" the commo-rose shows up together with the range selection. That is both, not the same as with the usual GLs and annoying.

Way to reproduce:

Get American GL kit and select range.

Tested On:

Several Servers

Re: [Bug] US M79 "q" commo-rose

Posted: 2012-04-12 06:55
by AfterDune
It's known and we can't fix it until Vietnam is integrated into PR - or at least until this HUD is.
That's also the reason we can't have any custom HUDs for vehicles, we have to use existing ones.

That will all be fixed when Vietnam gets integrated. In the mean time, use this. It works, you'll get used to it ;) .
