The most underrated vehicle in PR, together with the BRDM.
Re: [Video] SHTURM POWERRrrr
Posted: 2012-04-16 17:33
by Daniel
Re: [Video] SHTURM POWERRrrr
Posted: 2012-04-16 17:52
by chrisweb89
Awh you didn't keep the next 2 minutes when we came back for revenge. GJ hunting the tanks there, would have been nice if the tanks at center hill would have called you out, would have saved me(the tank in the bad position with his *** in the air). You guys were able to stay in that area after almost all of those kills without a single american spotting you out, or saying they died there.
Re: [Video] SHTURM POWERRrrr
Posted: 2012-04-16 18:24
by LieutenantNessie
Navo wrote:The most underrated vehicle in PR, together with the BRDM.
BRDM is the best vehicle ever
Re: [Video] SHTURM POWERRrrr
Posted: 2012-04-17 21:23
by ma21212
Hehe, tbh with you I wasn't recording when you got us. I only start rec. when I see something good.
And also you scared the shit out of us, had no idea you caught up so far.