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Red Company [R-Coy]: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-05-11 05:29
by Danger_6
Red Company Recruitment
The [R-Coy] tag has not been around for a long time, in fact we are only a few weeks old.
Bearing this in mind, I believe Red Company is making very decent headway and has had a brilliant start.
Currently we have 19 very active members who are extremely dedicated to getting this clan off the ground.
We are looking for dedicated PR players who have a good grasp of teamwork and communication. Red Company is not your average clan, we all have our areas of expertise and we play to our strengths. If you believe you are good at any role in PR, whether it be Squad leading, Tanking, or being the most invaluable piece on the battlefield, the foot soldier, please feel free to come check us out.
You may contact me through xfire (D4ng3r6) if you are interested in joining our ranks. Similarly, you may apply through our forums:
Red Company - Home
If you want to have a detailed look into our application, follow this link:
Applications: Read before posting an application
If you have any queries, either post here, our forums or contact me directly!
We are currently hiding in our own TS3 channel in the PRTA teamspeak, so if you want a chat, come see if we are there.
See you on the battlefield gents!
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-05-11 07:40
by Curry
finally danger! great guys. Hope you will be still around
Good luck!
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-05-11 08:00
by Danger_6
Oh we will be Curry, thanks
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-05-16 11:41
by Fandango
Really good guys to play with. Maybe a few for now, but still they can handle everything. Keep it up Red Company.
All the best R-Coy.
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-05-16 22:59
by Danger_6
Thanks Fandango
It's always great playing with the 4th and 3rdac! Great team work we have going on together atm!
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-05-23 15:37
by Danger_6
We need more infanteers to be recruited into our Infantry Platoons! Sign up now if you are interested
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-07 14:15
by Robskie
Still recruiting!
If you like to play PR at it's fullest, teamwork, communication, and leadership, that is all here at R-Coy.
We're moving up the ranks fast, I'd even consider this one of the fastest growing clans in PR history! Come join us at
Red Company - Home
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-08 17:13
by Danger_6
Clearly this is hate messaging, this user has solely been created to "troll" or besmirch the name of R-Coy.
If any one has any issues like the above feel free to approach us on our forums.
Thanks very much,
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-08 17:36
by Acko
Proud to be in this clan.
Great level of teamwork
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-08 20:08
by SGT.Ice
Not sure where that came from i've had no problems with them so far.
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-11 22:07
by Robskie
R-Coy is still recruiting
If you're unsure, come have a game with us! We'll be on the PRTA TS.
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-12 17:48
by Blondey
Great Clan, amazing players, amazing community too!
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-20 08:15
by Danger_6
R-Coy is growing at an alarming rate!
We need YOU to help us expand to our full potential! If you think you have the infantry skills to outmanoeuvre the enemy, and outwit the foe contact us on our website and join our ranks!
Red Company - Home
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-20 10:14
by dtacs
xiReality is now notorious for abusing people over mumble and some guy with the prefix BOSNIA crashed a BH on Kokan lastnight into a bush killing my entire squad, ALT+F4'ing immediately.
Still yet to see this clan really prove anything beyond a bare iota of teamwork or friendlyness.
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-20 10:34
by Danger_6
I was awaiting the time our esteemed dtacs decided to pop by and offer his glorious opinion. Though I believe criticism is necessary for advancement, criticism should be offered through the correct routes. The post above confirms the egotistical mentality of our beloved Australian and offers very little insight into the operations of this clan. I can only witness cynicism and disdain through your post, and as per usual, little help in how to improve a situation, should it need it.
If you have personal issues with my clan members, you speak to the clan, not on the recruitment post. This topic is solely for recruitment, and you seem to miss this point. I suggest you revise the pertinence of these forums rules and repost any complaints elsewhere. I am surprised, with your eminent intelligence and quick wit that you managed to miss this point.
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-20 14:34
by Acko
Sorry i had
one of your squad members in my Blackhawk when my game crashed,
I came back in later the game as you might have seen but i was switched to Taliban. Else i would personally apologize for crashing to desktop
And i am wondering, why would you say i had your whole squad in my helo when i dropped them off in F9 kp 5 as you said and one of your squad members didn't bail out. As i returned to main base i crashed to desktop.
But thanks for this, i'll keep it in mind for when i see you next time
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-20 19:29
by SGT.Ice
I've only played with Danger myself, but he was pretty chill.
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-20 20:37
by Pronck
I have been playing with some of these guys for 2 or 3 days and I am really positive about them. Now I hope danger is positive about me. Dtacs, sometimes you have bad luck accept it, you can trust these guys, don't think they are shit. Because they aren't.
Keep up de work company!
Re: Red Company: Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-06-20 23:22
by SGT.Ice
Everyone's got their opinions, be they legal or not.