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Server Creation Checklist Help

Posted: 2012-05-14 02:31
by t0et0e
Ok, so after many meetings and discussions my flight team have agreed that BF2 :P R is to be our next home!

I have been voted as lead admin for this server/squadron, we are migrating from our desert combat server to PR, I have read about the license details and fully understand the score, so before I select my host could I get some clarification on a few things?

1. I intend to use a Private (passworded) 64-slot unranked bf2 server from as we have used them for many years and are happy with them.

2. Mumble, On the order form for the server I can buy a mumble server, but is this different from prmumble and if so how do i go about linking my server to the prmumbleBETA as i love the auto join features and we will enforce its use.

3. The reason for the private state of our server is because we will need to mod the handling physics of the planes in order to perform some of our formation manouevres and being an air orientated server the spawners will have to be changed decreasing spawn time and adding more availability to certain aircraft. WILL THIS BE A PROBLEM?

4. For video creation projects with have a skinning department who create specific paint schemes does this fall under modifications? despite it being end-user not server sided

Any info would be a great help and will finalize our server layout so I can commence the next fun stage of apply for server files

Many Thanks

<*VXFH*> t0et0e

Re: Server Creation Checklist Help

Posted: 2012-05-14 03:36
by MaSSive
t0et0e wrote:Ok, so after many meetings and discussions my flight team have agreed that BF2 :P R is to be our next home!

I have been voted as lead admin for this server/squadron, we are migrating from our desert combat server to PR, I have read about the license details and fully understand the score, so before I select my host could I get some clarification on a few things?

1. I intend to use a Private (passworded) 64-slot unranked bf2 server from as we have used them for many years and are happy with them.
Just make sure they allow any kind of (FTP, SFTP, SSH?) access to server directory as you will need it to upload/edit config files and server control scripts.
2. Mumble, On the order form for the server I can buy a mumble server, but is this different from prmumble and if so how do i go about linking my server to the prmumbleBETA as i love the auto join features and we will enforce its use.
PR Mumble is provided by PR team, and you can apply for free channel on official PR mumble server after you set your server/have license granted. You will see where to apply once you have granted access to SA private forums.
3. The reason for the private state of our server is because we will need to mod the handling physics of the planes in order to perform some of our formation manouevres and being an air orientated server the spawners will have to be changed decreasing spawn time and adding more availability to certain aircraft. WILL THIS BE A PROBLEM?
Not as long as you dont do any reverse engineering and keep your server passworded, but still ask the management, once again when you get assigned to server admin group.
4. For video creation projects with have a skinning department who create specific paint schemes does this fall under modifications? despite it being end-user not server sided
Im not sure but in order to modify end users model of some vehicle it requires for server to have same model in archive so that would go to modified content on both server and client?

Re: Server Creation Checklist Help

Posted: 2012-05-14 10:56
by t0et0e
thank you for the info, is a great help, for the last one, we dont normally modify the actual 3d model only the texture files that holds the colors, and in previous games this has been at the sole discretion of the user, but this is a very small part of the grand scheme of things and really not as important to me as it is certain wingmen of mine

but once thank you i shall commence the server in the next week or so then apply

Posted: 2012-05-14 11:34
by BloodyDeed
Just so you know: as soon as your server license has been accepted you will have access to a private server admin area where you will find answers to most of your questions.

For the server side modifications they are fine as long as you keep your server passworded.

Re: Server Creation Checklist Help

Posted: 2012-05-15 12:36
by t0et0e
[R-DEV]BloodyDeed wrote:Just so you know: as soon as your server license has been accepted you will have access to a private server admin area where you will find answers to most of your questions.

For the server side modifications they are fine as long as you keep your server passworded.
that wont be a problem as i have paid for a private server with its in my contract that it remains passworded

looking forward to seeing the admin area as i need to setup the server more, things like anti-cheat streaming, which is new to me and just basically making it good great place to fly