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What are the next steps?

Posted: 2012-05-16 14:15
by Pronck
We all know that Vietnam is currently released as a beta version but want I want to know, and probably also some other people is how are you guys going to develop the modification? Are you guys first concentrating on current bugs, or are you focused on mapping and devoloping weapons / vehicles? So are you guys making it bigger and bigger or are you guys focused on adjusting everything and slightly increase the size of the mod?

By the way, you guys are doing a great job and I see a lot of potential in the mod.

Re: What are the next steps?

Posted: 2012-06-03 23:07
by elman8155

Re: What are the next steps?

Posted: 2012-06-04 11:45
by Wakain
I'm not a member of the team, but I'll try to answer your question by basing on what I've read on these forums and the impression I have consequently:
prv, as with prn and prf, is a sidemod, with a limited devteam (focused around AD, who's the driving power behind prn as well). The focus has been to create a playable build and afterwards to fix bugs. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe to have read that prv will be integrated into regular pr as of 1.0, there are some maps (at least one, possible another) in the works that could be used for pr, as well as prv and we might very well see these in the future. Integrating prv into pr 1.0 will probably mean continuing attention with each following patch, a map now, a new asset then.

However, I think it'll stay quiet for a while again with pr:v (at least untill pr 1.0, and probably afterwards as well), depending on community activity (if community members were to create a load of quality maps it would probably stimulate pr:v progress, as it would enable the inclusion of more assets and factions such as VC, ARVN and perhaps even aussies, which are aso in the eod files. there're even french and viet minh factions, but I think we're safe to rule these out indefinitely).

I guess you've noticed the amount of 'probably's' and 'possibly's', it's difficult to entirely anticipate what'll happen and I doubt the dev team has a structural development strategy for prv. However, I think it's safe to say, judging by the relatively small and focus-fractured dev team, that we shouldn't expect a steady amount of updates featuring large amounts of assets and/or maps. Much rather a sort of trickle of bug fixes and content, depending on the interest, focus and drive of contributing community members and dev's themselves.

re-reading this I suppose it seems a bit of a cold way to look at the devs and their hard work and I want to make sure they know I enjoy what they've made and am grateful for it and by no means want to pressurize them in any way regarding e.g. future development.

Re: What are the next steps?

Posted: 2012-06-14 00:17
by 40mmrain
the next logical step is a 4x4 full asset map, and a focus on refining, and tweaking existing content.

Vietnam is just a small add on, it doesnt need to have 20 maps like a full game, the amount we have, and perhaps one more when balanced properly, and polished would certainly be enough

Re: What are the next steps?

Posted: 2012-06-14 20:07
by stealth420
NEXT STEP?????????????

SAIGON MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: What are the next steps?

Posted: 2012-07-08 03:52
by waldov
yeah about 4 or 5 Vietnam maps would be good as long as there's some variation and most importantly a Tet offensive map for sure.