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Georgian Islands

Posted: 2012-09-03 22:48
by CTRifle
Hey guys, Im just starting a little discussion about the attack on the South Georgian Sandwich Islands which is also called "operation Paraquet",

Atm, I'm making a map for it but am now kinda on a stand still as what to really make of the capture points and actual combat scenario's. As the battle only lasted like 30 min or something short like that. Does this seem like much of a battle to make into a map, and does anyone have any good references to battles or idea's that I can put into the map?

Any ideas would be great, here is some info on it as well.
Operation Paraquet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Re: Georgian Islands

Posted: 2012-09-12 13:37
by pedrooo14
There was no land battle. The british ships bomb Grytviken and deploy some troops. Then Captain Lagos surrender Grytviken. Astiz, commander of a tactical divers group (15 aprox), recibe the order to come back to Grytviken and surrender their weapons.

Re: Georgian Islands

Posted: 2012-09-13 01:37
by CTRifle
Yea, I know it was super small..

Re: Georgian Islands

Posted: 2012-09-13 03:10
by pedrooo14
CTRifle wrote:Yea, I know it was super small..
The only cap point i imagine can be grytviken, you can invent an other cap point like a bich head or something like this. It could be a skirmish map.