PRTA is proud to announce another map-test event. This time it's a new map made by MineralWouter.
It is a 2x2k map made for PR:F. It is focused on infantry fighting. For more details ask Mineral or ask your CO. A teaser video can be watched below. Remember that this event is there mostly for feedback, so please provide us with as much as possible! It's a sign up only event. So bring your best communications
and teamwork skills. Let's show how organized gameplay is done!
Sign up for your team of choice! CO: P*FunkCO: Oskar
Date and time:
Saturday, 13th of October. 19:00 PRT. SL's need to be there 20 minutes up front. Grunt 10min.
Feedback thread:
Please provide feedback hereto the map.
Please provide feedback here to the Falklands Minimod.
Server rules:
All server rules apply. There is a no-tolerance policy on these events. Break one: Instant 30 day ban on all PRTA servers. read our rules here: PR Server Rules - Wiki - PR Teamwork Alliance
Extract the zip to \Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\mods\pr. e.g. C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\mods\pr e.g C:\Program Filesx86\EA Games\Battlefield 2\mods\pr
Teaser Video:
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 00:47
by Felix
gimme CAS plox
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 01:01
by ledo1222
WTF why are you making me choose from my CO and XO?!
This is going to be a hard one. if you know what i mean
1-Squad(A-Team) Will be there.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 03:39
by 40mmrain
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 05:50
by Nate.
Is this only open for people who participated in the Open Beta of PR:Falklands? Or does the "Map" contain the "Mod" ?!
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 08:42
by Oskar
Nate|(GER)| wrote:Or does the "Map" contain the "Mod" ?!
Far as I'm aware, yes, the "map" contains the "mod" - sort of. You won't get the big Falklands map from downloading this but you will get the factions, some of the get the picture. But I might be wrong!
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 10:28
by Mineral
oskar is correct. It will hold both the ARG and GB forces that were used in the original PR:F minimod test.
The mod test version of that time will be part of the download so it's open to everyone.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 12:17
by Beer.114
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 12:37
by Predator.v2
Smells like snipers paradise..
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 22:02
by Stealth Clobber
How long does this go? It starts at 2 PM my time and the deviation test went like 3-4 hours and I don't have that kinda time on the 13th, got a hockey game to go to.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 22:20
by Pvt.LHeureux
Guys you know that Falklands isn't a mod, it's a map, like Normandy isn't really a mod and BF:V, those are maps with specific items on them
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 23:07
by Stealth Clobber
If modern day forces were playing on the map, then you would be correct. But almost everything about PR:F and PR:N are custom, therefore they are mods.
Not to mention they are both in the PR:BF2 mini-mods section of the forum.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-21 23:13
by Oskar
Stealth Clobber wrote:How long does this go? It starts at 2 PM my time and the deviation test went like 3-4 hours and I don't have that kinda time on the 13th, got a hockey game to go to.
Clobber I'm assuming it'll take as long as the battle itself, i.e. hour and a half or two hours (depending on ticket amounts and such). If you don't have time that saturday you can probably still download the map and have a look in local mode.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-22 01:41
by Stealth Clobber
That amount of time is fine.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-22 16:54
by Arnoldio
Stealth Clobber wrote:If modern day forces were playing on the map, then you would be correct. But almost everything about PR:F and PR:N are custom, therefore they are mods.
Not to mention they are both in the PR:BF2 mini-mods section of the forum.
No its actually a map with specific things... not a mod. Hereux is right. They are in that section because its the most appropriate one. Community maps are only maps, placing africans or brits on it does not make it a mod. If however the game mechanic would be changed (not gamemodes) then it would be a mod. Like COmbined Arms, thats a mini-mod.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-22 21:18
by pedrooo14
Arg Forces will use MEC models?
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-22 22:24
by Stealth Clobber
pedrooo14 wrote:Arg Forces will use MEC models?
Probably not, the Argentinian skins have been done for a little while now.
Re: PR:F Goose Green WIP - Alpha Test Event 19/10
Posted: 2012-09-22 23:39
by Nugiman
Stealth Clobber wrote:Probably not, the Argentinian skins have been done for a little while now.
GP_MineralWouter wrote:oskar is correct. It will hold both the ARG and GB forces that were used in the original PR:F minimod test.
From this comment it seems to be the MEC models again, that were used in the first open Falkland test.
Maybe its only for the full release then, but testing the new models would be great!