Marine Corps Team, Now Recruiting!
Posted: 2012-10-01 14:58
Join The Marine Corps Team
First Recruitment Season starts today!
Welcome To The Suck
This team's Purpose is to get the player to a new teamwork level. In this Clan there is not such thing as working alone, there is no "I" in our team, if you don't like, you can stop reading right now. By using the Marine Corps principles, we are bringing the battlefield the most highly trained Marines. We will use teamwork and teamwork only.
What Do We Do?You know what they say, the most lethal weapon in the world is a Marine and his Rifle. That's why we train our Marines to achive that goal, to be lethal in the Battlefield. Our team operates many assests, such as Air and Armor. Using special tactics that we thought off and made ourselves to make our Marines the best of the best at the battlefield.
Training Program
Our Basic Training program Includes a couple of hours. In which you'll be trained on all the kits PR has to offer."Life saving" tactics and more. By using some of the Marine Corps basic training ideas, We'll make you the ultimate Marine.
After basic training, each marine will get the opportunity to choose 2 of the 4 classes that he will be trained on. Infantry, Armor, Air or Artillery. Each Marine will get his own signiture that showes the unit that he is assigned in, his rank and his in-game name.
In our Infantry training, our instructors will train you the best yet secret tactics, and strategies of the infantry. Our instructors will choose a specific role that will be by your gameplay and by how you operate. We will train you to become a Marine that know what he is doing and what is his role. in order to make the best squad you'll learn about saving your squad mates and how to operate under heavy pressure by listening to your squad leader and following orders.
Want to become a squad leader?
If you want to become a squad leader of the infantry, simply tell your instructors and you will be sent to squad leading course, after infantry training.
In armor school our instructors will train you to operate in armored vehicles, tanks and at squad. You will learn Armor Tactics, Armor Teamwork, Armor Steering.
want to be a tank commander?
No problem. Again simply tell your armor instructors and you will be sent to a tank commanding course.
In the Air training course, you will learn three main roles of the choppers that control the sky. Those roles will be Close Air Support, Anti-Air, Transport, And a proper way to do a Medevac and lazing targets.
If you'll get really good at flying choppers you will be sent on a course to learn how to fly jets.
Want to command the air operations?
No problem just tell your instructors, and you will be sent on a course that will test your abillity to lead and take control of the operations.
In the Artillery training course you will be trained to use high explosive mortars, how to engage and how to deploy it in the curret position, how to measure the enemy's position, Hight and degree on your compass and how to adjust the mortar correctly.
Want to command the Mortar operations?
No problem, Just talk to your officer for that role and he will send you to the commanding Artillery course.
There are several ranks in the clan. You can rank up by showing your activity, showing up to basic training and when you are able to do the test to the next rank, show up. If you pass the test you will be promoted.
The ranks are:
Private first class
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
The rules are simple, if you do not follow them you will get kicked from the clan.
?If you are in a squad with clan members, you MUST play as a team.
?You must use mumble. Don't have a Mic? Not really necissery, you only need to listen to your squad leader.
?Never decied on your own, listen to the squad leader.
?No Trolling (Unless you are in the taliban/insurgents)
?Show up to Basic Training (If you can't because of IRL reasons notify first to a Training Course Officer)
?Respect eachother in the clan
?No Racism towards the clan members.
How To ApplyYou can apply at our website:
You can also leave your information here in this format (If you wish to join).
Code: Select all
Name: In-Game Name: Time of experience: Do you have a Microphone (Yes/No): Do you have Mumble (Yes/No): Country (GMT): Age:
The Few, The Proud, The Marines.Contact UsYou can contact us by sending an E-Mail to RazorB58 ([email protected]) or to Tamiroth ([email protected]) or you can search us on the steam group
So pack your back jar head, and get ready for the that you might become a Devil Dog.
Best Regards,
Colonels RazorB58 and Tamiroth