Kevokpo wrote:in 64 layer map if you spawn on argentine Main base where the mirages and A4 spawns you get an instant CTD
Tested on PRLatinoamerica Server 1
Kevokpo wrote:I figured out that you cannot go out of bounds (minimap) while being in the argentine team, as we couldn't spawn on the airfield we wanted to got to the airfield using the chopper, but as soon as we went out of the minimap the game crashed we noticed that this happens on every layer (we didn't tried on skirmish tough as we don't have any air trans vehicle)
EDIT: sorry for editing so many times, We just loaded the 32 players layer (same as 64 but night) and the arg team can spawn on the airfield and use the planes.
This doesn't happen to most people, my guess is that your very low on memory, and as soon as you get close to Argentina and its jet, you need to load all its textures and you don't have enough free memory to do that and as a result, you CTD.
There are two things you can try for me to confirm this.
1. Lower your GFX settings so everything is on low, then try spawning there. If everything is already all on low then you can't try this one.
2. Try loading up AAS 16 (Infantry) and flying to Argentina if you haven't already done so (if you have, plz confirm you have?) and see if you crash then. Also can you please note at what exact time do you crash, is it when Argentina comes into sight, when you get close to the airbase or excatly when you leave the minimap, or outside of the minimap area but randomly at some point in the water when you get close to Argentina etc?
Kevokpo wrote:another thing that had been reported, not clearly is that when you build a fixed AA emplacement, when you get out of it you get out in another part of the map, haven't recreated it yet but a friend told me that
Sounds odd, can you try to confirm this? Not had it happen to me.
Jolly wrote:No one mentioned about that lagging gun on brits carrier?
It horrible when some firing that, the rest of 63 have to suffer horrible lag.
Known issue, we are going to try and look into it but don't think we can fix this one serverside. Unfortunately didn't come up in testing due to us not testing it with many players on the server
Keep them coming guys. We are going to look into trying to fix a bunch of bugs server side where possible as noted above but there is only so much we can fix this way.