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Noakesy here!

Posted: 2012-10-07 18:16
by Noakes
Hi all!

Are there any ex ESF/ FSG members out there?! Or does anybody run a clan that they are in? trying to find old clan mates!



Re: Noakesy here!

Posted: 2012-10-07 20:08
by Salvo
FSG being? 4th SFG?

Re: Noakesy here!

Posted: 2012-10-07 20:21
by Noakes
No, it started out as European Strike Force, then remolded itself Fire Support Group.


Re: Noakesy here!

Posted: 2012-10-08 09:32
by Wicca
Ah, oskar and fisen usually hang out on the PRTA teamspeak:

Re: Noakesy here!

Posted: 2012-10-08 17:42
by Noakes
Brilliant! Thankyou! :)