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[R-Coy] Red Company - Part 2
Posted: 2012-10-07 18:24
by Pronck
Re: [R-Coy] Red Company - Part 2
Posted: 2012-10-07 19:48
by Tiger1
Good luck Pronk.
Sorry to hear your founder jumped off the wagon.. but the train keeps on running. Life goes on, and it seems the three of you have picked things up where your founder and leader left it.
Good job.
Re: [R-Coy] Red Company - Part 2
Posted: 2012-10-07 23:19
by Pronck
Thank you Andersson!
It was pretty hectic within a time period of 24 hours 75% of the clan left and almost 50% applied at other clans within the same 24 hours. It is though to deal with that and still get back on track.
However we are all determined to do whatever we can to get R-Coy on a higher level. Maybe we can not be the biggest clan, but we can act as a training facility at least. Quality over quantity, but it takes time to polish those rough diamonds...
Re: [R-Coy] Red Company - Part 2
Posted: 2012-10-22 23:55
by Blondey
Great guys! Amazing Teamwork! They've also done sonwell and handeled te clan well with all the changes that have happened!