Passing comment: This happend in a clanwar and the FOB was active for the rest of the match (40 minutes?). Maybe he was shamed and didn't tell anybody.
Jules got only epic paint skillz. I am going to write it down for you:
Image 1)
"Ughh... What is this? Ah, nevermind, just a dogbox. (being constructed)."
"Maybe I ask them if they need some help - being a good neighbor and shit!" (In red) "Roger, good boy!!!"
*honk hoooonnnk* "Helllooooooooo????" in blue: "Hmmm... maybe I can hit him on his Whuuf!" (Probably a joke about my accent where a R sounds more like a W)
Last edited by WeeD-KilleR on 2012-10-18 17:14, edited 1 time in total.