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[Map] Tangshan Forest [scrapped]

Posted: 2006-11-22 18:19
by morallybankrupt
This is my first map I have ever attempted to make for Project Reality so I will need some advice. I am still working on it and so I will post some screen shots later. Tell me what you think of this idea.

This map will contain a black hawk on the US for insertion purposes. There will be little opening in the forest for the helicopter to land and drop off troops. There will not be artillery, uav, or sattlelite on this map just supply drops. The control points are setup in a straight line formation.

Map Briefing:The US has set up a camp in the forest just west of a small and not very advanced village called Tangshan. Just east of Tangshan PLA has an outpost and a bunker. The area is mostly forest so you must watch out for hidden enemies and snipers.

Posted: 2006-11-22 18:26
by Pantera
sounds good, cant wait for some screenies...oh yeah, Welcome to the Forums

Posted: 2006-11-22 18:27
by duckhunt
Welcom to the forums, your map sounds good so far.

For any non- PR related mapping questions, please use the Bf2 Editor Forums, for general editor queries.

You will also find lots of help round here too, but best to look there first as it hass 99% of answers for mapping.

Look forward to some screns of your map.

Posted: 2006-11-22 19:44
by Duckitt
Yes, don't annoy duckhunt like I do, he has 'more important things to do'!

Posted: 2006-11-25 06:22
by morallybankrupt
25% done :-D

Posted: 2006-11-25 13:19
by luizinhuu
giveus some screenies for god's sake