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Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2012-12-23 23:43
by sold67

Re: Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2012-12-23 23:56
by AfterDune
I think you're mixing up Normandy and the Vietnam map "Charlie's Point" here :p .

I take it you're talking about beach landings on Normandy? The landing crafts we use are meant for personnel only. It would require different landing crafts (a new model) to hold vehicles. Whilst in a way that's possible, I'm not sure if that results in the gameplay you want.

Slightly more detail: BF2 can't really handle vehicle-on-vehicle stuff, but a vehicle can "fire a weapon" where the projectile is actually another vehicle. That's all fine, but brings in some complications. The "firing vehicle" can reload and spit out another vehicle - repeat this as many times as you want and you have an army of logis. Not easy to find a way that's perfect for gameplay.

...hence we spawn the stuff on the beach :) .

Re: Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2012-12-24 05:28
by sold67

Re: Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2013-01-14 12:58
by chrisweb89
What about landing craft that act as logis and dump 2 crates? THE FOBs couldn't be knifed because of the out of bounds, but could easily be shot by AT or guns, or just camped to death.

Re: Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2013-01-14 13:23
by AfterDune
I think the Germans would camp the living daylight out of that FO :o .

You can request kits at the LCVP though, not many people seem to know this (makes sense I guess, how would you know..).

Could give it 1 crate perhaps.

Re: Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2013-01-14 15:26
by rodrigoma
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:I think the Germans would camp the living daylight out of that FO :o .

You can request kits at the LCVP though, not many people seem to know this (makes sense I guess, how would you know..).

Could give it 1 crate perhaps.
do the lcvp rearm ammo as well?

Re: Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2013-01-14 16:04
by AfterDune
Not that I know.

Re: Logis on landing boats?

Posted: 2013-01-21 01:48
by notmyingamename
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:...
Could give it 1 crate perhaps.
fob's on the water line would be amazing mortar targets
what if you got 1 logi (that respawns on reasonable timer) per beach flag taken.
this way, you don't get zombie horde spawning on the low tide
don't get kill factory from exposed spawn points
and have to work hard for a valuable asset (a firebase with a little cover)