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Carolean Legion SWEDISH TACTICAL CLAN Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-03-17 03:43
by Amfibiern
Carolean Legion is currently recruiting new people into their ranks.

Clan Tag: =CnL=
Clan Name: Carolean Legion
Clan Website: Forums
Clan Mumble 1.2.3:
Clan Ventrillo IP:N/A
Steam Contact: orchen2ksweden
Language: Swedish, English
Location: Sweden

Carolean Legion is a newly formed swedish unit forged around the concepts of militaristic structures of the swedish armed forces. The name is derived from the soldiers during the Swedish Empire whom where called Caroleans who where led by Carolus Rex or Karl XII and we also draw from the concept of the Foreign Legion in france where everyone is welcome if they want to serve the legion, But on the legions terms. The majority of the members have some form of military background. So if you think you might fit into the ranks of the Legion you are most welcome to apply on our website. Be advised to fit in with us you need to be a teamplayer and put the legions goals before your own.
Recruiting at our Forums!


Dominus protector meus

Re: Carolean Legion SWEDISH TACTICAL CLAN Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-03-17 21:07
by SGT.Ice
May want to put an E-mail in your contact info, makes things easier for some people.

Re: Carolean Legion SWEDISH TACTICAL CLAN Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-03-18 02:07
by Amfibiern
SGT.Ice wrote:May want to put an E-mail in your contact info, makes things easier for some people.
Recruiting at our Forums!


Dominus protector meus
There is a forum link in the thread going to a recruitments FORUM.

Re: Carolean Legion SWEDISH TACTICAL CLAN Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-04-13 09:28
by Spec
Cleaned up thread a bit, please do not post admin complaints into the recruitment thread. Take it to the admins via PM, Email, their website, or if everything else fails, take it to us, but don't take it to a recruitment thread.

Re: Carolean Legion SWEDISH TACTICAL CLAN Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-04-28 21:41
by Pronck
Could one of your members be so kind to open a server feedback topic? Would be much appreciatee.

Re: Carolean Legion SWEDISH TACTICAL CLAN Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-05-12 15:59
by CopyCat
Most PR based communities and clans use TS3. So my question is; Do you have a TS3 server? And if Yes - What ip do you have encase someone would like to contact you.


Re: Carolean Legion SWEDISH TACTICAL CLAN Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-07-28 16:36
by Vicious9011
Carolean Legion is on an active expansion campaign covering both the ArmA series and Project Reality! Get into the action we are starting up with PR 1.0 when it releases and massive pvp events in ArmA 2/3 on a large scale!

The Legion is calling!

We want YOU!