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Copy-Paste Bf2

Posted: 2013-05-01 13:41
by Zealith
So my Bf2 is only copied from my uncle..well i made the registry myself so i can patch it to 1.50..then installed some mods.The Problem is i can't play PR online cuz of "CD Key not valid even ive keep on changing it..(format is x9392XXXXXX where x is the serial key without dashes).but still i can play online on AIX and vanilla it my cd key?? is there some sort of online version cd key stuff??where can i get one?(for free)?

Re: Copy-Paste Bf2

Posted: 2013-05-01 17:42
by SnipeHunt
Try the steps in this Thread: ... valid.html

edit: Re-reading your post it sounds like you are trying to play with an invalid/Not genuine cd-key. If thats the case then go buy yourself a legitimate cd key and try again.

Re: Copy-Paste Bf2

Posted: 2013-07-11 13:59
by Mj Pain
Harlowsmith wrote:Well... I have no information about this thread so I am unable to make any comment on it. I need to get some more knowledge on it so that I could post my views.
Lol Spambot?

Re: Copy-Paste Bf2

Posted: 2013-07-11 13:59
by Spec
Report, mate. Report. :P

(Thanks to the one who did)