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Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-09 08:27
by CrY3R
Hello dear PR community,
after not having time for PR since 6-ish months now, I finally have got some spare time for PR again (playing since 0.966).
Now I'am looking primarily for a Community, German speaking favoured, but as u can see my English might be enough aswell :D
Something about me that is kind of important, due to the fact that i have a glaucoma i just can see with one eye (doctor stated once that i have 30-ish% of my capabillity to see on my left eye left) (right eye is blind btw :3).
I personally think that I'am kind of good with the medic and LAT kit, and I'am willing, and capable of learning new stuff every day (except for squad leading, srsly i suck at it) :P
Anyways that was my long not needed text of me explaining why :P

If any Questions are still open u can ask them here or PM me :)
see u on the battlefield :)

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-09 11:58
by Jaeger.Pyro ... sucht.html

There's a similar post, read comments and you'll know more

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-09 13:32
by CrY3R
Jaeger.Pyro wrote: ... sucht.html

There's a similar post, read comments and you'll know more
Thank you i'll see what i can find ^^

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-09 14:19
by WeeD-KilleR
A german speaking community would be [NEW] (New Era Warfare).

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-09 14:44
by FK Ye@h H@rDstyl3
Hi CrY3R,

we, the QRF, are an german MilSim Clan with around 30 members. If you are interested in rl tactics, roleplay and have no problem with a tight structure you are welcome to visit our clanpage, join us on teamspeak or fight alongst us on our weekly gaming days.

HP:Quick Reaction Force

Our gaming days take place every Tuesday and Sunday, starting around 0730pm UTC+1


Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-09 14:49
by Curry
NEW is a great community, with stammtisch, german beer and serious firepower!


Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-09 18:34
by ElshanF
This might not be what you really want, but !Grex is the best 10-20 player sized group I've ever seen, it's in the PRTA alliance. Members - GREX | PRTA - Project Reality Teamwork Alliance . Ghost is a great leader and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to see you

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-10 15:26
by CrY3R
Thank u all for ur quick anwsers.
I'll try to get in contact with each of those Community's/Clan's and see what fits me the most.

Have a nice Day :)

Posted: 2013-06-10 15:30
by BloodyDeed
Feel free to poke me on the New Era Warfare Teamspeak if you see me around :)

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-10 17:40
by Nate.
Here's the links, welcome back to the family.

New Era Warfare
Lots of members, very good server, DEV-contacts ;)

Active players every day, very good Pr-Wiki

Grex! / PRTA
Grex! Forums
Small and friendly group, part of PRTA (good server)

Quick Reaction Force
20 - 32 members, own server, organized event each sunday

There is also KSK and SOF (both german groups), but I don't know their contacts.

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-10 18:04
by Onil
always so helpful Nate :D

If you're looking for serious gaming within a strict group with activity requirements, I advise the QRF clan. If you want a more relaxed game-play with no scheduled gaming times, I advise NEW Community.

Good Luck

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-06-18 05:07
by CrY3R
Well it seems that i have'nt time for PR once again, so ppl can close the thread :/

^NVM this, spare time here i come :D

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-07-04 21:51
by Determinist
CrY3R wrote:Well it seems that i have'nt time for PR once again, so ppl can close the thread :/

^NVM this, spare time here i come :D
There is a new clan apparently... GREX, ... -pack.html

Re: Looking for a German or English speaking Community

Posted: 2013-07-05 11:34
by Spook
They are not really new, they are around for quite some time already. And they were mentioned already several times in this thread.