To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

General discussion of the Project Reality: BF2 modification.
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To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

First off, this is a personal post, not one as a tech support volunteer.

Project Reality is going to have a well needed influx of new players in the next two weeks. One of the selling points for PR is the teamwork based nature of gameplay. It is now up to the veteran community to actually extend their hand out and welcome the new playerbase into their squads, on a daily basis, and show them around our little corner of the gaming internet.

That means:
  • 1. Not locking asset squads to non-Clan members.
  • 2. Not kicking new players from squads if they are floundering.
  • 3. Taking the extra step to help total strangers get acclimated to PR's game mechanics and gameplay style on a regular basis for the coming weeks, during each and every gaming session.
  • 4. Generally providing "teachable moments" admonishments instead of defaulting to the "kick that noob" mentality when dealing with seemingly clueless new players.
  • 5. Be a good human being to those who might not have a strong grasp of the native language on the servers. In many ways, the future of PR is going to be in the developing nations where moderate performance, moderately priced hardware, and fast and reliable enough internet connections are just now becoming widely available.
  • 6. Run some training squads, name them training squads, and take on the task of getting new players up to speed in PR.
  • 7. Be nice enough to point people towards the online manual, which is being updated and will be available hopefully on release day. EDIT: manual can be downloaded here:
  • 8. Invite new players into your gaming clans/groups, let them see and participate in the larger community that has developed around the PR game,
  • 9. The larger clans should break out and run 2 or 3 separate squads, filling the squads out with new players, and working in a mindset of multiple squads working together. Bring in a few clanmates in each squad, use the buddy system with new players, anything you can think of to get new players a good experience during their first impression of Project Reality.
  • 10. No racism or prejudice.
I'm sure there are more things to be said on the matter, but I hope I get the point across with the list above.

The trailer has had over 42,606 views as when I'm posting this thread. With all of us putting our good foot forward to invite new players into the fold, we could see a much higher conversion rate of new players into long term members of the game community.

Don't disrespect the PR Devs and the tens of thousands of man hours volunteered in the last years by acting like a jag-off during the 1.0 release week.
Last edited by LITOralis.nMd on 2013-08-06 23:36, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by Jolly »

Be nice to new guys and PR needs fresh blood!
Jolly, you such a retard.
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!


Think long term people, more players to enjoy the 100p maps and more server choices.

I fondly remember when you could choose a server based on admins, teamwork, ping rather than the only full one.
Jafar Ironclad
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by Jafar Ironclad »

I know several folks who are game industry professionals who are going to be playing 1.0 on launch. Not just game reviewers for online magazines, but members of game companies. Valve. DICE. A lot of what makes the game great is teamwork, and we have a fantastic opportunity to visibly demonstrate to the industry that there exists a sizable, positive, and constructive community with vested demand in the sort of experience PR offers.

If a major developer looks at our work and the resulting gamer experience it offers, and sees marketable potential, that's a win for ALL of us. Remember the Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942? See where that pushed the industry? Remember Day Z and the sales of ARMA II it created?

If you are the veteran Project Reality player, who has lamented the teamwork experience when it has been lacking, and forged unforgettable memories when teamwork was at its best, and all many times over, take charge of the opportunity that is laid before you. Make 1.0's launch the BEST time to arrive as a new player. The level of coordination required in Project Reality can be intimidating, but the reason players stick to PR are their follow comrades, just as I'm sure many on the true battlefield stick to their mission for the sake of those beside them.

Mentor. Teach. Suppress the feelings of frustration and impatience that will come. You will lose games because of new players. So will your opponents. Accept this and focus instead on the experience of your comrades. Ensure that the intense retreat is as thrilling and powerful as the crushing advance. Be kind. Empathize. Victory within the game is temporary. Victory OF the game is eternal.

It falls on you. Go forth, and make this our finest hour.
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!


9. No racism or prejudice. Saw a lot of it during the BETA
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by 40mmrain »

you can make "noobs welcome" squads or the like, that usually is helpful
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by HeadlessChicken86 »

Last edited by HeadlessChicken86 on 2014-10-17 07:25, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by Mr.Hyde »

"Any society that would give up a little liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both" ~Benjamin Franklin
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by ghostfool84 »

With the new Release many noobs will take a look into the forums and ask the same questions over and over again i think. There is only a General Discussion Forum, i think what we could use is a Beginner Forum for new players with not so many Stickies. In an extra forum its easier to see if a question has been asked before and noobs dont post in different forums. In the "old" forums there are so many stickies, mixed up threads from new poeple that want to say hello and veterans who discuss this or that.
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by sweedensniiperr »

Nah, just let them ask away I'd say. Let's not make it more complicated.
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by ghostfool84 »

What is more complicated with that?
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by Nate. »

+ 1 Beginner's forum!
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by rodrigoma »

be sure to say you are new or returning player when joining a squad. I always appreciate to know new people and it saves some frustrating moments later on ;)
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by Heskey »

I had a similar thought for turning tags to TUTOR or [TUTOR] - what's the tag limit? Is it 6 or 7?

I second a beginners forum, and I think it should be lax about questions asked again and again. If someone asks the same question as answered on the next page, just repost the answer. The subforum can be archived once the hype dies down.
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Re: To All the Veteran Players and Server Admins, Be Kind to New Players!

Post by Kerryburgerking »

I think new and old players of the same nationality should work together, Communicating in your own native tounge makes things ALOT easier.
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