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Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2013-10-22 18:01
by axised
Hello guys,

first of all: Im new on PR, id played years of BF2 and now i wanna try PR.

Normally id played on my laptop, but as it is nearly too slow for BF2, i reactivated my old computer (Win XP, 3.4 GHz Pentium 4, 2 GB Memory, GForce 9600 GT) to play PR.

I installed it and everything worked fine, but ive got some issues with Mumble.

Lets explain what i found out untill now.

When playing BF2 i got a problem with the VoIP:
After joining a server and squad my VoIP squad chat works without any problems. After a few seconds, i neither can hear anyone, nor talk. I cant even see the green "talking" logo on the right. When switching to audio options, it says VoIP is disabled. After leaving the server its activated again. Summed up: VoIP disables itself. I tried locking the "Audio.con" file in my documents to read only, without success.

That brings me to my problem with PR mumble:
Its almost the same. I join a server, and im able to talk (local & squad). After a few seconds im not able anymore. I tried pushing local speech all the time, and figured out, that after a couple of time (maybe 1 minute) it works again. I read, that Mumble restarts itself, when closed down but logged in on a server. Guess thats the difference why on BF2 it does only work for a few seconds and on PR it works a few seconds, then it doesnt.. than it does, than it doesnt.. a.s.o.

I also think there might be a connection between those two problems.

some more information:
I got a Dell Dimension 8400, thats also the name of the motherboard.

Soundcard: Intel 82801FB ICH6 - AC'97 Audio Controller [B-1] PCI

Im looking up the internet for days, without finding a solution.

PS: Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand what im trying to tell you :)

Greetings ax

€dit: BTW, teamspeak, skype working without problems. also when i start a voice test in BF2 or PR no problems

Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2013-10-22 20:57
by LITOralis.nMd
Welcome to PR,

1. How fast is your internet connection?

2. Start PR , join online server, spawn in, alt-tab to desktop, in bottom right corner, double click the PRMumble icon to bring up the PRMumble window.
a. Configure-> Audio Wizard . Use the wizard to test.
b. in PRMumble->Configure->Settings->Bottom Left, tick the Advanced tickbox, ->Select the Audio Input-

>Make sure you select the correct mic , click APPLY.
>Lower the Compression Quality to 20 kb/s , click APPLY.

follow this guide for your 32bit OS: ... b-ram.html
It might be a problem with you running out of RAM.
If Mumble has to use Virtual Memory on your HDD, it will freeze like you describe.

As WinXP is getting old, I found this old solution, but I do not know if it still works, also the screen captures are in Norwegian.. which I can't read:
'[R-CON wrote:Wicca;1198935']START-RUN- dxdiag






Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2013-10-22 20:59
by LITOralis.nMd
Here is an alternative way to fix this for vanilla BF2:

Having trouble with VOIP? - Pic Tutorial - BF3S Forums

Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2013-10-23 17:19
by axised
[R-COM]LITOralis.nMd wrote: 1. How fast is your internet connection?
download: 2,7 mb/s
upload: 142 kb/s
[R-COM]LITOralis.nMd wrote: 2. Start PR , join online server, spawn in, alt-tab to desktop, in bottom right corner, double click the PRMumble icon to bring up the PRMumble window.
a. Configure-> Audio Wizard . Use the wizard to test.
b. in PRMumble->Configure->Settings->Bottom Left, tick the Advanced tickbox, ->Select the Audio Input-

>Make sure you select the correct mic , click APPLY.
>Lower the Compression Quality to 20 kb/s , click APPLY.
'[R-COM wrote:LITOralis.nMd;1958922']
follow this guide for your 32bit OS: ... b-ram.html
It might be a problem with you running out of RAM.
If Mumble has to use Virtual Memory on your HDD, it will freeze like you describe.

As WinXP is getting old, I found this old solution, but I do not know if it still works, also the screen captures are in Norwegian.. which I can't read:
also done, still same problem. Maybe a screenshot helps out:
Ill try in english:
[19:07:38] Project Reality BF2 connected
[19:07:39] Your Voice-supression has been deactivated
[19:08:55] Project Reality BF2 has lost the connection
[19:08:55] Voice Supression has been activated
[19:09:12] .....
When i recognize that mumble has deactivated, i minimize to desktop, and the moment im on desktop it works again. But as you can imagine its a bit anoying minimizing every minute to fix it.

€dit: some news: By lowering the DirectX Hardware Acceleration it seems that the VoIP Problem in BF2 is fixed. It works, i tried it for 10 minutes without problems. Negative effect: If Hardware acceleration lever is turned all the way left to "No acceleration" the screen in bf2 is freezing periodically every 5-10 seconds for 0,5 seconds. also the sound freezes for 0,5 seconds. If i turn the lever not all the way left to "Minimum Acceleration", theres no lag / freeze, but VoIP keeps crashing as before...

€dit2: Minimum Acceleration seems to work after restart. So the Problem with BF2 and VoIP is fixed thanks guys :)
Still remains the Main Problem with PR Mumble :/

€dit3: ... ing-2.html
this exactly my problem

Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2013-10-26 10:14
by axised
Still got the same Problems. the last days i tried out different things (new audio and motherboard drivers e.g.) without success.

does anyone has other ideas?
greetings ax

maybe this helps ?

Code: Select all

System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1.2600)
          Language: German (Germany)
       Motherboard: Dell Inc.           0J3492
         Processor:               Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz (Physical: 1, Logical: 1)
            Memory: 2,00 GB
      DIMM Modules: CHANNEL A DIMM 0: 1024,00 MB @ 400 MHz
                    CHANNEL B DIMM 0: 256,00 MB @ 400 MHz
                    CHANNEL A DIMM 1: 256,00 MB @ 400 MHz
                    CHANNEL B DIMM 1: 512,00 MB @ 400 MHz
         Page File: 1,00 GB
    .NET Framework: 4.0

Display Information
 Display Device(s): Plug und Play-Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
   Display Mode(s): 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) @ 75 Hz
    Driver Version: (327.23)
    Display Memory: 1024,00 MB
     Multisampling: 2, 4, 8
               DPI: 96 (100%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: SoundMAX Digital Audio
 Primary Recording: SoundMAX Digital Audio
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: False
           EAX 4.0: False
           EAX 5.0: False
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: C:\Programme\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2
                    Free: 23,58 GB, Total: 229,24 GB, NTFS
          Mod Path: C:\Programme\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\pr
                    Free: 23,58 GB, Total: 229,24 GB, NTFS
     Profiles Path: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Martin\Eigene Dateien\ProjectReality\Profiles
                    Free: 23,58 GB, Total: 229,24 GB, NTFS
    Update DL Path: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Martin\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
                    Free: 23,58 GB, Total: 229,24 GB, NTFS
   Update Log Path: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Martin\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
                    Free: 23,58 GB, Total: 229,24 GB, NTFS

Game Information
      CD Key Valid: True
    Installed Mods: bf2, pr, xpack
       Current Mod: pr
       BF2 Version: BF2 1.5
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: DIIAS=axised
              Type: Online
 Last Used Profile: True
        View Intro: False
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 1024x768@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: Custom
     Multisampling: Off
             VSync: False
   Terrain Quality: Low
   Effects Quality: Low
  Geometry Quality: Low
   Texture Quality: Low
  Lighting Quality: Low
   Dynamic Shadows: Off
    Dynamic Lights: Off
 Texture Filtering: Low
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: Low
               EAX: True

Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2013-11-03 16:18
by axised

still got the same problem - i also tried to reinstall bf2 + pr, without success. This is what mumble keeps saying exactly:
[17:08:10] You were unsuppressed.
[17:08:54] Project Reality: BF2 lost link.
[17:08:54] You were suppressed.
[17:08:54] Project Reality: BF2 linked.
[17:08:55] You were unsuppressed.
[17:09:10] Project Reality: BF2 lost link.
[17:09:10] You were suppressed.
[17:09:18] Project Reality: BF2 linked.
[17:09:19] You were unsuppressed.
[17:11:49] Project Reality: BF2 lost link.
[17:11:49] You were suppressed.
[17:11:50] Project Reality: BF2 linked.
[17:11:51] You were unsuppressed.

Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2014-03-17 20:07
by axised

As you can see here i tried it with more memory, but still without success.
If anyone has another idea, i whould be really glad :I

greez ax

Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2016-06-18 21:41
by pr|Optic
CAn someone help me get mumble working on my PR server please 2 days and battling still


I cannot get past this step
Originally Posted by Linux
cd /mods/pr/bin/prmurmur
./prmurmurd.x64 (64 Bit)

pr@c35910h64332:~/public/mods/pr/bin/PRMurmur$ ls
bzip2.dll ice34.dll msvcp100.dll prmurmurd.x64 QtCore4.dll QtSql4.dll StartMumo.bat
CreateChannel.bat iceutil34.dll libeay32.dll msvcr100.dll prmurmurd.x86 prmurmur.ini QtGui4.dll QtXml4.dll InitialSetup.bat libmysql.dll mumo PRMurmur.exe python26win32 QtNetwork4.dll ssleay32.dll
pr@c35910h64332:~/public/mods/pr/bin/PRMurmur$ ./prmurmurd.x64
./prmurmurd.x64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Re: Mumble / VoIP issues

Posted: 2016-06-19 14:39
by zeckart
Same Issue here, any solution? help..