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Squirrel Terrorist Faction - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-10-25 23:18
by Squirrel[STF]

Squirrel Terrorist Faction
[STF] Gaming

Steam Community :: Group :: Squirrel Terrorist Faction

About [STF]
The Squirrel Terrorist Faction has been going strong for over 5 years. With what started out as a Counter-Strike: Source clan, it grew into something much more. We found our way into the MMO world of Dungeons & Dragons: Online, and grew strong there for almost 2 years. After what we saw as a collapse, we moved into more of a mixed community, playing all sorts of games, from Saints Row - to - Payday 2. Now we are finding our way inside Project Reality to make our mark in the realism gaming community. We are ruthless, we never surrender, and we will not fall without surrounding the world around us in flames.

How We Operate
Slow and tactical, hiding in the dark, coming up from behind - anything to take down the opposing team.
In medium sized fire teams, we patiently work to get our objectives done, no matter how big or small. Performing perfectly every time.

[STF] Ranks
We consist of 24 ranks.
12 Enlisted Ranks - Your average soldier.
6 Officer Ranks - Those who have proven worthy
5 General Ranks - The top - The Elite of [STF]
...& The Rank of Dictator. ;)


Must be 18+ years old
Must be able to speak clear & understandable English
Must be active on Teamspeak
Must have a Facebook & Steam Account

Join us!
Message Squirrel if interested.
Join us on Teamspeak!
Contact Squirrel[STF] for the Address


Re: Squirrel Terrorist Faction - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-11-11 07:50
by Joseph10101
hey squirrel. I messaged you. I'm interested in joining you guys over at stf

Re: Squirrel Terrorist Faction - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-11-11 19:07
by Squirrel[STF]
Joseph10101 wrote:hey squirrel. I messaged you. I'm interested in joining you guys over at stf
I just messaged you with everything you need to know :) Welcome aboard sir.

Re: Squirrel Terrorist Faction - Recruitment

Posted: 2014-01-07 13:03
by Squirrel[STF]
Still Recruiting into 2014! We've been working to provide more servers for our members!
Contagion & Coming soon Garry's Mod! But are main goal is Project Reality players!
We are looking forward to what the PR Devs have to bring this year! :)