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[TRS] Is Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-11-05 01:01
by [TRS]Reaper-One1
[TRS]/Tactical Response Squad is newly formed and recruiting!

We aim for tactical teamwork playing.

Our main goal is to provide a fun gaming experience for anyone who likes using real tactics and teamwork!

We are currently looking for Squad Leaders, Regular Soldiers, And Trainers.

Our basic requirements are to have TS3, Xfire. we will not accept any hackers WHAT SO EVER!


Please register on the website and post to forums for more details

If you would like more info please feel free to reply or message on xfire.

Xfire: majorpayne1991


Re: [TRS] Is Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-11-05 18:57
by Squirrel[STF]
Best of luck with your new community! :)

Re: [TRS] Is Recruiting!

Posted: 2013-11-05 19:06
by [TRS]Reaper-One1
thank you! had a few good communities in other FPS games but this is our first one for PR. we are also open for alliances as well if you or anybody else is looking for an alliance