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Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 10:14
by YotaJosh
I think I have had it with PR. I have enjoyed this game for years, but my enjoyment has come to a head.

Since 1.0 has been released, my game crashes to desktop with absolute RETARDED frequency. Whether I'm right at a pertinent point in a game, or loading a new map between rounds, or dealing with constant HOG and CIA server crashes, lately this game never ceases to fail at failing. Not to mention maps like Khamisayah that crash EVERY TIME 2 minutes after load-in, rendering them unplayable for me.

I have damn near broken my laptop in frustration over this, but no more. I think I'm done with Project Reality at this point. I appreciate the hard work all the devs and testers put into the game, but damn, enough is enough. I CTD'd 4 times in a 2 hour span tonight, so I'm biting the bullet and switching to a console for gaming. No point dropping $1000 on a new gaming computer if PR won't physically work 75% of the time. The little free time I have to game shouldn't be spent cursing over a game-crash, rebooting, and rejoining servers/teams/squads all over again.........just to CTD again 10 minutes later.

Re: Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 10:22
by Darman1138
It might be your desktop. I have zero problems with CTDs.

Re: Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 11:04
I only CTD when I alt+tab... but it's not always...

I try to avoid doing it

Re: Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 11:07
by Cossack
Super rarely CTD's for me as well... Maybe something to with your laptop?

Re: Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 14:29
I don't CTD at all. However,the server crashes are quite frequent for both CIA and HOG. Not frequent enough to make me and a lot of other people stop playing, just frequent enough so that we ***** lol :)

Re: Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 15:18
by Gw3ck
Try running the game in windowed mode and see if any error message appears.
Or post your PRLauncher.log (found in "\Battlefield 2\mods\pr\bin")
Might help to figure out what the problem is.


Re: Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 15:24
by Curry
Sad to hear, but as the others wrote already it might be your computer. Did you posted in the Tech Support section of the forums? If not give it a try, the guys are very competent.
-> PR:BF2 Support - Project Reality Forums

I rarely CTD, even with my potato computer. It’s either my WW2-bamboo-internet or the server is crashing but CTD’s not really.

Ask for help down there, I’m sure there is a way to get your game a little more stable.


Re: Can't Take Constant CTD's Anymore....

Posted: 2014-01-16 16:22
by carmikaze
Mine doesn't CTD at all. Since there are so many people without CTDs, my guess is that's 100% a client-side issue (as so often) a.k.a. the problem lays on your end.

But of course, the problem could never be your perfectly-maintained pc, right : )