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Games FPS stutter and slow game speed

Posted: 2014-02-12 23:17
by Venicilia
I installed PR:BF2 2 days ago, it ran perfectly fine, I played it for most of the day yesterday and part of the evening on the day of the install.

I also played a bit of Dark Souls (PC), which along with PR, ran perfectly fine like it has been since I got it. Well, when i started up PR today, the intro sounds were cutting in and out, and when I got into a server, the buildings took longer to render and there was a bizzare stutter whenever i would turn around, but the character model animations (what I mean by that is the firearm manipulation you ocasionally see and the operation of said firearm) were perfectly fine.

I restarted the game, same deal with the intro.
Restarted again after having closed all other windows thinking that they may be the cause even though the same windows were open yesterday and didn't cause any problem. Same intro problem, same in-game problem, cept this time even the character model would stutter.

I decided to run Dark Souls, and hoped the problem wouldn't persist. And my hopes were crushed, I was getting VERY low fps on the loading screens and my desktop would briefly flash into view every 6-7 seconds and when loaded in with my primary build, the game was running really slowly. And not in the sense that it had low FPS, but as though i was playing the game in slow motion, and the desktop still kept appearing.

I am currently running several things on MyDefrag to see if it changes anything.

ASUS G74S Laptop (Win 7 64x)
I can easily run games like ArmA 3, Dark Souls, ArmA2, PlanetSide2, WarThunder, and BF4
4 Hardrives: OS (C: ), SDATA (D: ), Data (E: ), SDATA (F: )
BF2 is stored in (D: ), PR is in (F: ), and Dark Souls is in (D: )
16GB RAM and constantly updating NVIDIA Driver.


EDIT: My computer had a very large update earlier, so I think this may be the primary culprit.

Re: Games FPS stutter and slow game speed

Posted: 2014-02-12 23:39
by Careless
Your issue is not familiar to me to be honest.
But I'll try anyway. Some of the problems and solutions are just too obvious that we don't even bother looking at them.
I can easily run games like ArmA 3, Dark Souls, ArmA2, PlanetSide2, WarThunder, and BF4

Do you mean you can run them at this very moment?

1) If yes;
This is strange. Try adding PR.exe and other PR-related .exe's to the Nvidia Control Center or however it's called.

2) If no;
Your CPU (processor) is handling all of your graphical applications. You have to power on your GPU (graphics card) somewhere in the settings of your computer.

2) If you're playing on a external monitor;
Try to be sure that your monitor is connected to the GPU output on not the CPU output, although I'm not sure that a lot of laptops have this feature.

I'm not very familiar with laptops :/

Re: Games FPS stutter and slow game speed

Posted: 2014-02-13 00:20
by LITOralis.nMd
MyDefrag is your best bet. Check the Mydefrag forum for some scripts for game directories.

You might try defragging your OS drive, you might have updated C++ runtimes and they are fragmented, or your virtualmemory has gotten fragmented (might want to use a Linux liveUSB with Gparted though).

Also, did you update any GPU drivers?
That is another likely culprit, either a update tthat didn't completely remove prior drivers and old and new drivers are conflicted,
or new drivers are fragmented, and need defrag.

Re: Games FPS stutter and slow game speed

Posted: 2014-02-13 03:11
by Venicilia
MyDefrag only removed the flashing Desktop when running Dark Souls.
Also, what I meant by "I can run..." was prior to today, i could run these games rediculously well for a non-updated 4 year old laptop.

Re: Games FPS stutter and slow game speed

Posted: 2014-02-13 21:36
by Venicilia
UPDATE: Turns out my Laptop decided to stop updating mid update, so I reinstalled the update and now everything works like it used to.

Thanks for all your advice guys :D