Saitek X52 Pro Screen flickering

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Joined: 2013-05-23 16:15

Saitek X52 Pro Screen flickering

Post by Rekyht »

Hey guys,

Just recently reinstalled PR, and trying to get back into the swing of things.

One problem i'm having though, is that when I boot up PR and it loads the Project reality profile, my MFD screen goes mental with flickering and sometimes the characters don't show up right. Nothing I can do seems to fix it!

I've already tried a complete uninstall and reinstall of the latest drivers + software, as well as tried a couple of different USB ports on my pc to see if it was USB2.0/3.0 related.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
Retired PR Developer
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Joined: 2005-12-13 20:00

Re: Saitek X52 Pro Screen flickering

Post by Rhino »

Sometimes the x52pro support PR has screws up and the simplest thing to do is to disable it.

Go to \EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\pr\settings\external\x52pro\ and open the settings.ini with a text editor (notepad is fine) and then just disable lights, MFD and profile by changing the 1 to 0:

Code: Select all

; Project Reality: BF2 - Saitek X52 Pro configuration.
; PR:BF2 v1.0 comes with support for controlling the X52 Pro's MFD and LED's while flying air vehicles.
; Some default settings have been provided, however it's likely you will need to configure these depending on your personal preference and button mapping.

; Defines whether or not you want Project Reality: BF2 to control the X52 Pro lights. This will also stop the LED's from flashing on events.
; 1 = enable, 0 = disable
EnableLights = 0

; Defines whether or not you want Project Reality: BF2 to add a page to the MFD on the throttle to display coordinate information.
; 1 = enable, 0 = disable
EnableMFD = 0

; Defines whether or not you want Project Reality: BF2 to automatically load and unload the "Project_Reality.pr0" profile when the game is running.
; 1 = enable, 0 = disable
EnableProfile = 0

; Defines which LED's turn on when you hop in an air vehicle
; 1 = on, 0 = off

FireIllumination = 1
FireARed = 0
FireAGreen = 1
FireBRed = 1
FireBGreen = 1
FireDRed = 0
FireDGreen = 1
FireERed = 1
FireEGreen = 0
Toggle12Red = 0
Toggle12Green = 1
Toggle34Red = 1
Toggle34Green = 1
Toggle56Red = 1
Toggle56Green = 0
Pov2Red = 0
Pov2Green = 1
ClutchRed = 1
ClutchGreen = 1
ThrottleIllumination = 1

; Defines which buttons flash when the event occurs
; Use the values from the [LED] section above for the values.
; Use comma delimited values for setting multiple LED's to flash (ie, FireARed,FireAGreen)
; An invalid button or empty value (ie, nothing after = ) will result in no button flashing for that event

; GotLock occurs when you lock onto a target (so you should set to your secondary fire button)
GotLock = FireIllumination

; The buttons LED's you want to disable when the GotLock event has fired
GotLockDisable =

; Flares occurs when you receive a lock and you should launch counter-measures (so you should set to your flares button)
ReceiveLock = FireBRed

; The buttons LED's you want to turn off when the ReceiveLock event has fired
ReceiveLockDisable = FireBGreen
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