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Searching for a Clan/Team

Posted: 2014-03-17 13:54
by Steviiii

About me:
My name is Cedric 20 years old (IG Steviiii) and I'm from Germany.
I've been playing Project Reality since 0.94 mostly casual (had no time)
Now I am a student again and I can finally start playing "PR" competitiv.

What I offer:
Functioning Headset+Mic
Tactical understanding
Brain/discipline and the necessary maturity.
oral knowledge of english
Perfect knowledge of german

My ingame experience:
I was never before in a Clan or Team in "PR" thats why i would say
im fairly inexperienced but i got the "Basics"

What I'm looking for:
I'm looking for a Comeptitiv Clan.
I want to improve myself thats why im not looking for a "Fun Clan"
Also I'm open to any Kit :( Medic breacher....)

Re: Searching for a Clan/Team

Posted: 2014-03-18 09:44
by Pronck
I would recommend you to go to 3dAC, FH or OD-S I think they will fit you the best.

Re: Searching for a Clan/Team

Posted: 2014-03-18 16:42
by Steckdose200
Hi steviiii,

I have to keep this in english on these forums,
but if your interested in serious gameplay,
visit us at the [GIS+] (German infantry and support squad) teamspeak:


pw: prforever.

My group (United|) is still looking for players that are serious and dedicated to this game.
We are a international unit and we speak english most of the time.

It's not often that new members are accepted, but you might give it a chance to see if you like our style of playing the game.


Utd| Steckdose200

Edit: if you wanna save some time you might as well check out some youtube videos:

3ti65 - YouTube
Steckdose200 - YouTube

Re: Searching for a Clan/Team

Posted: 2014-03-19 12:12
by Wicca
B.Pronk(NL) wrote:I would recommend you to go to 3dAC, FH or OD-S I think they will fit you the best.
Give him some links to their websites pronk :P

Re: Searching for a Clan/Team

Posted: 2014-03-19 15:10
by _Fizzco_
Operational Detachment Sierra

You can also check the relevant recruitment threads for further information about clans

Enjoy :)

Re: Searching for a Clan/Team

Posted: 2014-03-19 16:16
by Prevtzer
Utd and OD-S recruiting, what is going on :D