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[Vehicle] Flankpanzer Gepard[WIP]
Posted: 2014-03-18 23:03
by lordlexx
Being made for the (unofficial) Brazilian Army COMFAC
Model: - gepard
Re: [Vehicle] Flankpanzer Gepard[WIP]
Posted: 2014-03-18 23:36
by SShadowFox
Just some info: all the models being done are from this guy, he have been working pretty much like a slave, so if anyone would be kind enough to volunteer and help us, that would be great.
Re: [Vehicle] Flankpanzer Gepard[WIP]
Posted: 2014-03-19 00:13
by Rhino ... ssets.html
Z-trooper wrote:What Verstion of 3DsMax should I be working with and what file formats?:
Everyone in PR works with Autodesk 3D Studio Max v9 aka 3DsMax9 (version 9, not 2009, not 2010. Version 9)
Working in later versions of 3DsMax like 2009 or 2010 etc is not an option since you can not export objects from 3DsMax to BF2 in anything later than 3DsMax9 and you can not easily back port models from a later version back to Max9 without serous loss of quality and many errors appearing in the model!!!
All scenes should be saved in a .max file format with 3DsMax9 with all necessary files for the next task in hand, including references and other things like that of your object etc with your max scene is always handy.
Re: [Vehicle] Flankpanzer Gepard[WIP]
Posted: 2014-03-19 06:49
by lucky.BOY
You might want to stop starting new models all the time and start finishing them instead. A lot of the issues we had with the rifle are present in this one, for example.
Re: [Vehicle] Flankpanzer Gepard[WIP]
Posted: 2014-03-22 07:38
by Kovanaama
Lucky is right. I have made something like 30 models for various factions. NONE OF THEM IS READY!
I have made the model and possibly uv:s but then let the model go coz there is something else what have to be done.
So make one model and then move to the next one. Or possibly 2 models so you can jump between those two if you dont have inspiration for other model.
EDIT: Nice model btw.
But too new 3dsMax. :/
Re: [Vehicle] Flankpanzer Gepard[WIP]
Posted: 2014-03-23 01:48
by Insanitypays
I've gotten models from maya2012 into max9 with little to no problems using fbx2006 from the fbx menu...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure the same can be done with max2012
Posted: 2014-03-23 03:34
by CTRifle
It works but it messes up some things, I've done it, smoothing groups (not a huge deal) and I think it can change the actual model too
Re: [Vehicle] Flankpanzer Gepard[WIP]
Posted: 2014-03-23 03:42
by Rhino
Echo331 wrote:I've gotten models from maya2012 into max9 with little to no problems using fbx2006 from the fbx menu...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure the same can be done with max2012
Yes as CTRifle says, back porting is possible, but its a load of extra work to correct the errors from it and doing so can leave to things being missed, especially if the person doing the back-port isn't the orignal modeller.
Put it this way I can't think of one model that has fully gotten ingame in PR that was modelled in a version of max later than max9 largely because of this barrier.