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Request to get my Old Username Back

Posted: 2014-04-05 12:56
by Stronkie
Hi guys,

Maybe a strange request . But I want to have my old user back where I started in PR with.

I was an admin here and I had [R-ADM]Stronkie as username.

Since you changed my Password I cannot log back in again. Also requesting my password by sending my email I used for creating that user account does not work

Please Assist me

Re: Request to get my Old Username Back

Posted: 2014-04-05 13:22
by AfterDune
That sounds more like a Tournament username. The PR forums never had R-ADM tags.

Also, you only get such tags if you're a member of the team.

Re: Request to get my Old Username Back

Posted: 2014-04-06 06:51
by Stronkie
Neh back in the old days (in 2006) I was an active Admin here. I was an technical admin for all the forum's and I used to work with Alex_L . I was part of the administration Team. It had nothing to do with the Tournament.

Re: Request to get my Old Username Back

Posted: 2014-04-06 09:06
by AfterDune
There is no other username with "stronkie" in it, other than your current one. I did find an [R-ADM]Stronkie on the Tournament forums, which you joined in 2006.

Re: Request to get my Old Username Back

Posted: 2014-04-07 20:16
by Stronkie
You guys are absolutly right.. Indeed.. Now I remember :) .. it seems time made me forget stuff :) stand corrected