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Mumble can't connect.

Posted: 2014-04-15 20:26
by zzman305
Hi, I just reinstalled PR Mumble on my new computer. The install went perfectly but I can't connect to the PR mumble server. I can connect to other mumble servers just fine, but not ours. This is what I keep getting.

[4:25:23 PM] Opening URL mumble://
[4:25:24 PM] Connecting to server
[4:25:54 PM] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[4:26:04 PM] Reconnecting.
[4:26:34 PM] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.

The fact that I can connect to other mumble servers without any problems leads me to believe something might be wrong with the address or possibly the install. I'm on my second clean install of mumble now and still can't get through.

Re: Mumble can't connect.

Posted: 2014-04-15 21:48
by zzman305
Nevermind problem resolved.

Re: Mumble can't connect.

Posted: 2015-06-15 04:02
by Masterbinkie
zzman305 wrote:Nevermind problem resolved.
Well how? I'm having this issue too.

Re: Mumble can't connect.

Posted: 2015-06-16 00:04
by Gamedroid
I would also like to know how this was resolved please.

Re: Mumble can't connect.

Posted: 2016-02-08 04:39
by Assurance
zzman305 wrote:Nevermind problem resolved.
Any hints on how it was resolved? I am able to connect to other Mumble servers but every PR server times out.