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Performance boost ?

Posted: 2014-04-28 17:20
by sunshine2241991
Hello for last half year . PR start to go towards crysis setting .
so i was playing on medium / low setting .

then 2 days ago i found that putting all high will give stable FPS....
and magicly it DOES i put ALL HIGH and my game run actily beter .

i run now ALL HIGH + SweetFX + amd Edge detector x12 .
but my fps still.....jumping . so i woundering
does TEXTURE FILTERING will give me boost if i put to low or any other settings .

btw this is specs

Code: Select all

System Information
  Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 ????????????????  (6.1.7601)
      Architecture: 64-bit
   Current Culture: Russian (Russia)
       Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-MA785GMT-UD2H
         Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620 Processor (Physical: 4, Logical: 4)
            Memory: 4,00 GB
      DIMM Modules: A2: 2,00 GB @ 1333 MHz
                    A3: 2,00 GB @ 1333 MHz
         Page File: 4,00 GB
    .NET Framework: 4.5.1, Runtime: 4.0.30319.18408

Display Information
 Display Device(s): ????????????? ??????? PnP on AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
   Display Mode(s): 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) @ 60 Hz
    Driver Version:
    Display Memory: 1024,00 MB
     Multisampling: 2, 4, 8
               DPI: 120 (125%)

Audio Information
  Primary Playback: ???????? (Realtek High Definiti
 Primary Recording: ???????? (Realtek High Definiti
  Open AL Renderer: Software
               EAX: True
           EAX 1.0: False
           EAX 2.0: True
           EAX 3.0: False
           EAX 4.0: False
           EAX 5.0: False
             X-RAM: False

Disk Information
      Install Path: D:\sergei\Project Reality
                    Free: 332,98 GB, Total: 638,34 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
          Mod Path: D:\sergei\Project Reality\mods\pr
                    Free: 332,98 GB, Total: 638,34 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
     Profiles Path: C:\Users\nicolai\Documents\ProjectReality\Profiles
                    Free: 160,61 GB, Total: 292,98 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
    Update DL Path: C:\Users\nicolai\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\Downloads
                    Free: 160,61 GB, Total: 292,98 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False
   Update Log Path: C:\Users\nicolai\AppData\Local\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\UpdateLogs
                    Free: 160,61 GB, Total: 292,98 GB, FS: NTFS, SSD: False

Game Information
      CD Key Valid: True
       CD Key Type: Dashless (Normal)
    Installed Mods: bf2, pr, xpack
       Current Mod: pr
       BF2 Version: BF2 1.5
        PR Version:
          Language: english
   Debug Available: False
     Large Address: True
Supported Hardware: None

Profile Information
      Profile 0001: SunshinePR
              Type: Online
 Last Used Profile: True
        View Intro: True
        Fullscreen: True
      Display Mode: 1920x1080@60Hz
Display Mode Valid: True
   Graphics Scheme: Custom
     Multisampling: Off
             VSync: False
   Terrain Quality: High
   Effects Quality: High
  Geometry Quality: High
   Texture Quality: High
  Lighting Quality: High
   Dynamic Shadows: Medium
    Dynamic Lights: High
 Texture Filtering: High
    Audio Provider: Software
    Provider Valid: True
     Audio Quality: High
               EAX: False

Re: Performance boost ?

Posted: 2014-04-30 20:59
by JohnnyPissoff
Texture filtering is the filtering bridge from a closeup field of view to distant viewing on a single plane. On low settings you notice the difference (blurring effect) about 4/5 of the way down a long field. Set on high TF smooths (filters) out that blur. But it is indeed one of the beasts that rob overall performance over visual quality.

Remember BF2 came out over eight years ago this is why overall high settings on newer machines run the game better than on low settings. So basically if you like the eye candy and have a robust newer PC why not run it on high. Your machine can probably afford the extra CPU cycles. On the other hand if your machine is older or less robust and burdened, Texture filtering would be one of the first settings to lower.

As a side note; when I first bought bf2 in 2005 I didn't notice a big difference from medium to high. But I did notice a great change from low to medium. So I always ran TF on medium until I bought a newer and more powerful machine.