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CD key recovery

Posted: 2014-05-14 03:14
by saamohod
It's been several years since I bought BF2 game, can't remember where. Now I need to reinstall the game and the CD key will be needed. I had an account on, but now that it hat Origin, I can't seem to be able to recover my account.
I googled the issue and was advised to check my registry regarding the CD key. I checked it, it ain't there.
Any advice?

Re: CD key recovery

Posted: 2014-05-14 04:59
by LITOralis.nMd
Let me see your system specs from PRLauncher:
PRLauncher-Support-Copy to Clipboard,
paste everything here.

IF you are running a legit CDKey with PR right now,
PRLauncher->Support->Keys Tab
Your CDKey should be listed.

Which OS are you running?

in registry:
older OS:
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Battlefield 2\\ergc"

newer OS:
"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2\ergc"
but they will probably be hashed so you should use PRLauncher.

Re: CD key recovery

Posted: 2014-05-14 10:11
by ashton
I had a similar issue.
The way i solved it was pretty easy. Log onto origin in your browser (or create a new account) contact origin live support and tell them you have a retail copy of bf2 and would like to transfer it to origin. They will put bf2 on your origin account for free. When i did it they didnt even ask for my retail cd key they just put it on for me. Then go ahead and reinstall from there. They will also send you a confirmation email which includes your new cd key i do believe.

I dont know if it was pure luck or if they just give out bf2 free these days.

Hope that helps!