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website acting slow and random code

Posted: 2014-05-30 21:41
by Raklodder

Howdy all,

I've been having some minor issues with your website as of late where one out of every ten updates, refreshes, forum section and page changes will result in an incomplete page like the image above with random code?

Thanks in advance

Re: website acting slow and random code

Posted: 2014-05-30 22:35
no problems here, and I visit this forum 10x a day...

Re: website acting slow and random code

Posted: 2014-05-31 00:45
by Brainlaag
The little trollface of DB in the bottom just screams virus.

Re: website acting slow and random code

Posted: 2014-05-31 03:16
by CR8Z
Did you try clearing your browser cache/history/etc?

Re: website acting slow and random code

Posted: 2014-05-31 13:11
by Spec
Does this still persist? It might've just been a coincidence, Slick was updating some minor stuff here.

Re: website acting slow and random code

Posted: 2014-06-02 15:36
by Raklodder
Swedish translation: Error of coding content, the website can't be shown since it uses a type of compression that is invalid or unsupported, contact the website administration and inform them about this problem, try again.
CR8Z wrote:Did you try clearing your browser cache/history/etc?
I do clean my browser history regularly with CCleaner for security reasons (account information).
[R-DEV]Spec wrote:Does this still persist? It might've just been a coincidence, Slick was updating some minor stuff here.
Yes, sir, but I reckon this issue has to be either software or router related on my end and probably started between updating from Firefox 28 to 29 or while upgrading from a TG789vn to a new TG799vnv2 router a week ago, but strangely enough only your website seem to be affected by this random issue of mine for some reason.