Warsaw uprising?

Suggestions from our community members.
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Warsaw uprising?

Post by Boogeyman2 »

I would love see a "siege of Warsaw" map in the WW2 mini mod. I think it could work well with people being used to INS already, with the Wehrmacht as the conventional army and the Polish rebels as the insurgent type forces. The Polish would have to use guerrilla tactics to stand a chance against the tanks and superior power of the Germans. I know the WW2 mod isn't out yet so this is all just wishful thinking but yeah!
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Re: Warsaw uprising?

Post by Darman1138 »

This has already been suggested. Well, with a different location.

https://www.realitymod.com/forum/f559-p ... gency.html

The DEV's seem to be on board with the idea though :D
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Re: Warsaw uprising?

Post by Boogeyman2 »

Oh man that post went into a lot more detail, and thinking about it I'm sure the Devs have already thought about the idea and (hopefully) started work on it already.
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Re: Warsaw uprising?

Post by lucky.BOY »

Where would we get the art assets needed to make a map or more accurately depicting WWII Warsaw, and where would we get the soldier textures and kit geometries do put together a the Polish resistance fores? Is there a dead mod willing to share this content, or would we need to create all of this ourselves?

Should we as the WWII team start working on this, or should we rather focus on finishing up the Normandy theatre, polishing animations and textures, getting the weapons and vehicles we still still dont have modelled and optimizing static objects so our maps run reasonably well? I suggest we stick with the latter.
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Re: Warsaw uprising?

Post by carmikaze »

There are better things to work on than this.
Posts: 20
Joined: 2014-06-08 21:16

Re: Warsaw uprising?

Post by Boogeyman2 »

It was just food for thought
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