guide to the insurgent rocket techi

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Joined: 2005-12-19 04:44

guide to the insurgent rocket techi

Post by Anderson29 »

First this is the for rocket techi....not the spg techi.

The rocket techi max range is 900m but they explode in the air. not sure if damage occurs to target below the airburst

The rocket techi spawns in set at 400m range.

You adjust the range using you forwards and backwards movement keys from the firing seat(f2).
backwards key raises the elevation of your rocket pod and therefore makes rockets go further.

After you fire the first 32 rockets press your reload button to reload the rest. If immediate rocket support is needed just get out and get back to the 2nd seat and fire what got reloaded.

My personal tactic is to move the angle of the rocket pod to max by holding the backwards key down for a couple of seconds then lower it by 2 quick presses (taps) of the forward movement key, that range will be approximately 800m+/-50 and rockets will impact the ground.

Make sure you are Squad Leader. Now just have your team give you target grids. Find a place 800m away to fire from. Make sure its flat and fire a couple. Hopefully someone will give you corrections and adjust by moving the techi...not the rocket pod's angle unless your comfortable doing so.

After going back to main and reloading, avoid going back to the same firing point, enemy may be expecting you there.

If you don't want to move the angle of the rocket pod and you are the first to use the techi since it spawned, then just use the above method but for a distance of 400m.

I hope this helps a lot of you be better insurgents and more importantly to have more fun as an insurgent.
Good luck.
Last edited by Anderson29 on 2015-06-18 20:29, edited 2 times in total.
in-game name : Anderson2981
steam : Anderson2981
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