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View Distance in Vietnam Maps

Posted: 2014-09-25 17:40
by Nightingale
Hi guys, I'm currently working on a 2km map for PR:V.

It seems to me that most Vietnam maps have draw distances which are less than the recommended 600 - 800 range for 2km maps. I assume that this is to allow for denser foliage than would be possible if the viewdist was > 600. It seems like it would be less noticeable to have smaller view distances in Vietnam, as there are very few zoomed-in optics, and very few vehicles have weapons with zoom.

Unfortunately, my BF2 editor crashes when it loads any kind of Vietnam map (except Ia Drang), so I cannot confirm this myself. But it seems to me that Vietnam maps do not have to follow the exact same guidelines as other maps to be included in PR... am I correct in thinking this?

If my guess is correct, then exactly what are all the specifications that a PR:V map has to meet in order to be included into PR?

Re: View Distance in Vietnam Maps

Posted: 2014-09-25 17:52
by Rhino
Guidelines are as it says on the tin, just guides of recommended targets and are not necessarily a requirement.

Re: View Distance in Vietnam Maps

Posted: 2014-09-25 17:52
by Mineral
guidlines != rules. They are guidelines. Often VD is a sacrifice made to get indeed higher OG counts.

A specification is the same for every map: make it run as smooth as possible, push it all as good as you can get while keeping good FPS and keep gameplay in mind.
