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Mouse sensitivity precision

Posted: 2014-10-10 22:08
by Cassius
I was curious does the mouse sensitivity you set in PR impact precision? Like when you set the mouse sensitivity to 0.10 from 1.0 and compensate by increasing the DPI on your mouse, is the mouse more precise or does reducing the sensitivity and increasing the DPI just cancel each other out?

Re: Mouse sensitivity precision

Posted: 2014-10-11 09:05
Interesting, I just use my dpi on the mouse but have a problem aiming far - it seems to jump pixels.

Re: Mouse sensitivity precision

Posted: 2014-10-12 18:33
by Cassius
Well wiki answered my Question.

Basically a higher DPI is going to give you faster cursor speed without sacrificing any precision. When you turn up the sensitivity in Windows or in games, this increases the speed of the cursor but reduces the accuracy of the mouse. Increasing the sensitivity this way causes Windows or the game to take the number of pixels the cursor should have moved and multiply it. This has the effect of making it so there are certain columns of pixels on the screen that the mouse cursor is unable to land on. For example if you multiply everything by two, you'll never get an odd number. Same principle applies for mouse sensitivity. The only way to change cursor speed without affecting the precision is to modify the DPI of the mouse; this is why most mice on the market include "on the fly" DPI switching, usually via a button on the top of the mouse that switches between several set DPIs. Other mice like the Steel Series Xai can be setup with several different custom"profiles" that the user can switch between. Most gamers tend to prefer lower DPI for first person shooter games and higher DPI for RTS and Moba games, though this is subject to personal preference.

Thank you I love you wiki have a pizza.


Community you are in the dog house


Re: Mouse sensitivity precision

Posted: 2014-10-12 20:18
by LITOralis.nMd