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PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event 8th of Febuary 1800PRT

Posted: 2015-02-06 16:10
by Wicca

PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event

Bijar_flightshow (53,17 MB)
Password: dogfight
Date: 8th of Febuary
Time: 18:00 PRT/GMT
Factions: Image World War 2 United States Air Force vs. World War 2 German Luftwaffe Image

(for more imersion download this localisation file and put it in the folder of your ingame language)

Image Image Image

February 8th, 1944. The city of Bijar trembles in fear as the 2nd World War reaches its doorstep. Most of the civilians have fled the city, hopeful that their homes will still be standing upon their return. Hopeful to gain air superiority in the region, the US Air Force and the German Luftwaffe send their best pilots to do battle in the skies over Bijar. Given the city?s strategic position directly between the two powers, a victory here would deal a deadly blow to the enemy. Both sides expect a bloody, intense battle in the coming days. Which side will prevail?

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Re: PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event 8th of Febuary 1800PRT

Posted: 2015-02-07 00:34
by Bluedrake42
I'm obviously going to be there

Re: PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event 8th of Febuary 1800PRT

Posted: 2015-02-07 00:40
by RockerAgent47
Great :shock:

Re: PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event 8th of Febuary 1800PRT

Posted: 2015-02-07 04:21
by Kevokpo
this thing goes on WWII PR or normal PR?

Re: PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event 8th of Febuary 1800PRT

Posted: 2015-02-07 09:47
by Steckdose200
Normal PR ;)

level files into mods\pr\levels\ folder and localization file into mods\pr\localization\english\

Re: PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event 8th of Febuary 1800PRT

Posted: 2015-02-07 15:19
by Arc_Shielder
Just to make it clear to someone that might ask - since the OP didn't gave proper credit - these planes were made by Clivewill and PR:WW2 isn't associated with this event.

I hope it goes as well as the first one. It seemed fun.

Re: PRTA Presents: WW2 Plane event 8th of Febuary 1800PRT

Posted: 2015-02-07 21:20
by RockerAgent47
:confused: When will we get PR ww2 back ?

Posted: 2015-02-11 14:28
by CTRifle
When were ready!