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Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800 PRT

Posted: 2015-03-05 00:51
by L4gi
The time has come!

After discussions with the organizing team and the reps that signed up, we have decided on the first event. Due to some mapper problems we had to postpone the event by a few weeks. The problems have been figured out and we have locked everything down!

Event 1
March 15th, 1800 PRT.
3 maps, custom factions and assets. We will announce the maps one by one, starting with the first event! Download link will be posted before the event.

If you're interested in commanding shoot me a PM and we'll figure something out.

Each round will have a commander and we will enforce strong teamwork. Less arbitrary rules and more emphasis on solid gameplay. Team balance will also be monitored. The events will have a basic ruleset to follow, which you can find below:

1. No squads before 2:00 minutes.
2. Asset rule is in effect. First squad to create a squad for said asset gets dibs on all vehicles. (Commander can override this as seen fit.)
3. No mainbase rape.
4. Vehicles needs to be crewed properly. No soloing allowed(except AA-vehicles).
5. Admins reserve the right to remove misbehaving players without warning.


1st Scenario

US Army vs USMC on Dovre(summer).
Light Vehicles, some armor and a fight to the death. Im sure some of you serving members want to fight for your branch, so we will accomodate you with teamswitches if you wish to represent your own branch of service!

2nd Scenario

African Resistance Fighters vs Hamas on Muttrah.
Technicals, cars, boats and more boats! Hamas have taken Muttrah + The ARF decided they want to be part of the big boy club = WAR.

3rd Scenario

China is Invading Beirut! China is invading Beirut! The French have thrown away their silly UN uniforms and are now rocking suitable camo.

PS: They look amazing.

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents: Community Wargames event 1

Posted: 2015-03-05 01:00
by L4gi

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-05 09:06
by Wicca
Made a few changes to the title so it appears better in the launcher.

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-05 14:43
by mries
I guess that battle will have the highest TK rate ever :P but nice event! Good work

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-09 15:58
by L4gi
Second map is up!
Syrian Rebels defending Muttrah against the mighty ARF "navy"!

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-10 10:44
by L4gi
Due to an error we noticed during testing, we're changing out the Syrian Rebels for Hamas.

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-10 21:00
by L4gi

China is invading Beirut! The French have thrown away their silly UN uniforms and are now rocking suitable camo.

PS: They look amazing.

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-12 17:44
by L4gi
Still having some troubles with the Muttrah scenario, but we're working on it mucho harderino.

Map downloads will be out tomorrow or Saturday. Theyre pretty small files so even bad connections should allow you to DL them pretty fast.

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-14 17:52
by L4gi
DL link for maps: ... s.rar?dl=0

We had problems getting Muttrah to work, thus to provide the best possible experience we decided to scrap it. Instead, we'll try to play both maps twice so people get to try out both sides.

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-14 23:12
by Wicca
did you try fsa versus militia? I think it worked.

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 09:27
by L4gi
We tried so many different things. :(

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 09:57
by fecht_niko
Will be fun!

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 12:08
by Zrix
6 hours to go!

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 13:10
by SAM609
In case you are looking for a easier way to install the maps file , try this DL link >> Download Wargame
just download the file and extract it in here >> ...\Battlefield 2\mods\pr\levels <<


Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 13:17
by L4gi
Thanks for the alternate download, Sam! :)

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 17:26
by L4gi
Name [OD-S] #1 - Wargames
Live Password "tic-tac-toe"
Port 16567

You can start joining le now!

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 20:09
by L4gi
Thanks for the people that showed, we had about 60 dudes but wouldntve minded more.

Beirut seemed like awesooooooooome. Hopefully more guys show up next time!

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 20:52
by Nate.
I wasn't home in time so couldn't join. When is the next event?

Re: Operational Detachment Sierra presents:Community Wargames event 1 March 15th 1800

Posted: 2015-03-15 21:09
by L4gi
No date as of now, gonna try and coordinate a bit better so the dudes from PRT dont have a training or whatever at the same time.

Posted: 2015-03-16 01:20
by Steeps
Sunday not the best ;)