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PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-09 18:32
by AfterDune
[R-COM]Arc_Shielder has an announcement for you:

Hey guys! We're back! It's been a few months ever since the Alpha event and we sincerely hope that you had as much as fun as we did. The feedback was positive and it certainly helped us in establishing foundations to work with. We thank every single one that showed up in the Alpha release and made it a huge success. The team appreciates it more than you can imagine.

As for this month's update, we'll be showing you content that has been postponed for 2 months. We apologize for the long waiting but due to some obstacles we have been unable to do it sooner. For the past few months the team's activity have been kind of slow with the start of the new school semester but we are slowly picking it up again. We have more content in store and an update should be crafted in the following weeks. Stay tuned!
Buildings - part 2
One of the highlights of the previous announcement were the custom buildings made by Ratface. The memory won't fail you as most of you had the chance to test them in Omaha Beach level. Now we give you the chance to take a full look of every single building he has done to date.
These buildings provide mappers the ability to create small dense urban areas composed of enterable buildings up to 3 floors and which some of them are partially destroyed. And to serve as a remainder, there are also building add-ons committed by Ratface that allow mappers to embellish some of the generic buildings. His great work certainly has an impact in the mod and adds more depth to something that we felt it was greatly lacking before. No longer the WW2 maps have to be dominated by disperse village houses, fields and hedgerows. The CQB action will be extended to an extra environment while also allowing a more dynamic approach in enemy sighting/targeting.
M7 Launcher


Model, Textures, Animations & Export: KaB
Sounds: M42 Zwilling
KaB is back with more animations and this time is to give life to a creation of his. The M7 Launcher is a 22mm rifle grenade launcher that can be attached to the M1 Garand, M1917 Enfield and the M1903 Springfield rifles. The M7 Launcher comes with the option for smoke rounds which will increase the value of grenadier kit users. As verified in the Alpha event, both factions have lesser smoke grenades than in modern warfare PR. The reason behind this decision has a lot to do with realism as well as gameplay. If you want to conceal movement then you are restricted to only a few kits that have smoke grenades/rounds. This will force more communication in the game when trying to search for specific kit users rather than taking this asset for granted. And this is where the grenadier kit will fulfill its purpose without only having individual skills in mind.

The long range capabilities of the M7 Launcher and its effectiveness in mid to long ranges will highly depend of its user. The lack of a very precise visual reference might prove to be a difficult step to overcome for some players. It might require a bit of practice before mastering it but we believe that this can be a good thing in the long run.

Like every other grenade launcher in PR, you have the choice to select different distance markers. The reload time is a bit cumbersome if you're in close quarters and therefore its use needs to be anticipated in such situations. The weapon selected to be attached (and that you can see in the video) is the M1 Garand. Again, KaB did a wonderful work with the natural looking animations and M42 Zwilling complemented them with his unknown talent in the sounds department. We are happy to see this new feature materialized in PR:WW2 and eager to balance the scale by providing the Wehrmacht their own version.

Weapon Models of Higher Quality
After the Alpha event Mineral took upon himself to find proper replacements of some the weapons available in PR:WW2. He deemed them unfit for PR standards and went through a bit of research to find suitable replacements. Eventually he bumped into a website by the name of gamebanana which affable community are always willing to share content. He proceeded to contact the makers of a few weapon models and then exported and optimized them to PR.

In the end his fruitful work granted us the enjoyment of replacing the MP40, Thompson and M1 Carbine with higher quality models. The animations fit well and the process to integrate them to PR went smooth. The differences are notorious in-game and adds that little bit of immersive power when firing a weapon. The little details always matter at the end and we are sure that players will thoroughly enjoy re-discovering them.

The videos you are about to see were purely for demonstration and any weird issues have been noted and will be fixed later (namely 3P animations and glitchy geoms).

Model, UVs & Textures: Mr Rifleman
Export: Mineral

Model & UVs: KnechtRuprecht
Textures: KnechtRuprecht & Bull
Export: Mineral

Model, UVs & Textures: Raynox3D
Export: Mineral

Uncredited Content
When the idea for the event came up we knew from the start that we were playing with wild fire by cutting down the time that it usually takes to test a build. But the optimistic belief paid off due to the talented developers in PR that made the christmas release possible. We did it for the community and I think we can all agree that it turned out really smooth.

However, some players commented that the overall release felt more on the Beta side than Alpha. And the reason for this, beside the competence of developers from in and outside the team to work on it, was also the content that was added during this process. A surplus of content that it can really be considered a bonus and that wasn't expected by anyone when the goals were set in stone for this specific release. Which explains why some of these things weren't covered up properly in our previous update.

For this reason alone some of these extras deserve their own little space.
  • Supply/Ammo Crates & Vehicle Repair

    Mineral was one of the developers actively working on the Alpha release and decided to spend extra hours in creating the crates that the players found on their own in-game. And part of the reason why it was intuitive is due to the awesome job in the little details that it can be seen on them.
  • M4 Sherman Retexture

    We were gifted by MasterX's contribution on the model a couple of days after the announcement was posted. His work is certainly one of talent considering how the M4 Sherman got a nice looking new face with so many obstacles that model imposes.
  • Paks HUD and Coding

    Mats was the coder responsible for providing better firing angles for the Paks as well as adding a HUD.
That's all for now. Hope you guys enjoyed this sneak peek. We'll be back with more news soon.


Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-09 18:45
by Navo
Neat 23456

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-09 18:51
by Curry
Nice stuff! Can't wait to play it.


Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-09 20:48
by Ratface
Currently, no, as our paratroopers will be the normal US army rather than a special paratrooper faction. Thus, for the moment at least, we will be using the normal single-fire solid stock version we have currently :)

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-09 21:57
by Mr.VdHeide
Awesome work guys!

Posted: 2015-04-09 23:25
by camo
Awesome work!

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 03:41
by fatalsushi83
Very nice. Love the grenade launcher. Great buildings, too. I'm so glad you guys made buildings that are actually defendable and have lots of windows to fire out of.

Some questions:

1. Does the carbine recoil that in in real life? In the alpha it was really difficult to use because of the extreme recoil. It felt like it had even more than the garand. I was wondering if you guys decided to tone it down.
2. Will the Germans get a rifle grenade?
3. How close are we to the beta release?

I'll be lucky if you answer the third one :D

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 06:17
by AfterDune
1. Don't know, others would have to comment on that.
2. Yep, in time :) .
3. We never give out dates, but I hope to see a beta happening rather sooner than later ;)

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 08:52
by fatalsushi83
Thanks. Yes, the sooner the better but I know you guys won't compromise quality :D

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 09:37
by MikeDude
Seeing that FH2 is almost dead, I still don't get why they don't group up with the PR:ww2 devs to make one awesome WW2 mod. They have so much content that would be super awesome to have in PR.

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 10:08
by MikeDude
Dr_Death wrote:I think FH2 is dead because its too realistic to attract BF1942 fans but not realistic enough to attract PR fans. At least that's the reason why i personally uninstalled it, Loved the amount of maps there was tho.
The only reason PR is being played still is because the game is just so much different then any other game, with all the communications and teamwork going on.
FH2 Is a awesome WW2 mod for bf2. But being in a 10 year old engine, it just has to die at some point. There is so many other cool ww2 games out there.

Can any devs maybe explain a little what the relations are between FH2 and PR currently? And why is it not possible for our ww2 and theirs to team up to make something super amazing awesome cool epic sweet weed.

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 10:10
by Nate.
mikeyboyz wrote:Seeing that FH2 is almost dead, I still don't get why they don't group up with the PR:ww2 devs to make one awesome WW2 mod. They have so much content that would be super awesome to have in PR.
Seeing that the Netherlands are drowning, I still don't get why they don't group up with Germany and make one awesome country. They have so much nice stuff that would be super awesome to have in Germany.

Posted: 2015-04-10 10:27
by camo
Seeing that new Zealand is small and useless, why don't they group up with Australia and give us all their tourism money and lord of the rings memorabilia.

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 10:27
by fatalsushi83
Nate. wrote:Seeing that the Netherlands are drowning, I still don't get why they don't group up with Germany and make one awesome country. They have so much nice stuff that would be super awesome to have in Germany.
I thought Germany already tried that in 1939. At least I'm sure they took most of your cool stuff then :wink:

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 10:27
by MikeDude
Nate. wrote:Seeing that the Netherlands are drowning, I still don't get why they don't group up with Germany and make one awesome country. They have so much nice stuff that would be super awesome to have in Germany.
You can fuck right off! LOL
We aren't drowning. We will make our dikes 1 km high if we need to!
fatalsushi83 wrote:I thought Germany already tried that in 1939. At least I'm sure they took most of your cool stuff :wink:
Our cool fucking bicycles, Give them back!!! :D

If we will have ride able or static bicycles in PR:WW2 just know that it is probably stolen from my grand dad, sadface.

Re: PR:WW2 Mini-Update #3

Posted: 2015-04-10 10:37
by AfterDune
That was 1940 though :p .

Guys, please keep this thread about PR:WW2 please (don't derail with "FH2 this or that...").