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Looking for a milsim group.

Posted: 2015-07-11 22:03
by Biggandrew24
Hey yall.

I'm fairly new to PR but am looking for a milsim group with friendly members willing to show me the ropes lol. Preferably 18+. If any are available feel free to pm me.

Thanks again!

Re: Looking for a milsim group.

Posted: 2015-07-12 11:21
by thejakimo
Myself and some friends are going to be reopening an old milsim unit if you would be interested. Add me on steam: Steam Community :: Harper

Posted: 2015-07-24 02:20
by Cavazos
Tiger Platoon is the best MILSIM unit I've been in. It isn't named after a division and we don't use ranks in-game (that is reserved for Ventrilo), but it's fights more like a military unit than any other MILSIM unit I've been in. And I've joined dozens.

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