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3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines [Recruiting|Realism]

Posted: 2015-07-21 01:56
by thejakimo
3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines
"A New Standard In Realism"
3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines


Current Phase:Development
As of this moment, we are accepting applications, but are not conducting any official activities until unit launch.


About the 3/2
3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines, or 3/2, is a realism unit based off the real life Marine operations group that currently supports Project Reality and Squad (upon release). Our goal here is to create a highly realistic environment that accurately portrays a marine unit, while still preserving fun. Our unit strives to be a true MILSIM unit in Squad that does not entirely focus around special operations or just infantry. In the 3/2, we utilize many aspects of an actual unit, including Infantrymen, LAV crewmen, AAV crewmen, corpsmen, and much more! Here at the 3/2, even though we consider ourselves a MILSIM unit, we understand that real life comes first, and are always willing to work with our members to ensure that they are content and comfortable. Just because we are serious, doesn't mean we do not acknowledge that it is a game. And as a game, it is not worth playing if you are not having fun.

Who We Are Looking For
Almost anyone can join the 3/2, no previous experience is required. The only requirement that we have is that you must be 16 or older, and may not be currently enlisted with another group in Squad or Project Reality. In the unit we do not have room for slackers, and will make quick work of them if we find them. We are looking for driven, realism oriented people who are looking to be part of a team and make something great. Everyone in the unit contributes in some way, whether that be just attending events and having a good time, or volunteering your extra time to help better this unit in staff.

Why You Should Join
Unlike most units, here you are not a number. No matter how new you are, or how long you have been here, you can make a difference. We have open unit meeting for all members so that way concerns may be expressed, and so that ideas may be shared. We often encourage our members to partake just so they can get a feel for the type of open forum that it is. Everyone in the unit is important, can make a difference, and is crucial to it's success. Another thing that separates us from other realism units in the community is the fact that we are mainly focused around standard Marine functions, and not special operations. We are not special operations capable at this time, but we strive to achieve it in the future.

What You Can Do
Right now we are actively seeking players to join our Ground Combat Element, as riflemen and vehicle crewmen. Once enough members have joined, we will then begin recruiting for our aviation and other sections. If at any point in time a member wishes to transfer, they may move to wherever they wish. However, they must have completed the proper training in order to transfer and remain the same pay grade and avoid a reduction in rank. The reason for this is not to be a pain, however, is to ensure that an untrained member does not get placed in a trained team, and hinder their performance.


Currently Open Billets
0311 Rifleman - Contact Staff Sergeant Harper
0313 LAV Crewman - Contact Staff Sergeant Harper

Contact Information
Steam: kosoveck
Website :? 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines


"Strong, Determined, Unbreakable."
3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines