Parachute spawns

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Parachute spawns

Post by Mats391 »

There is not a lot to worry about, most is done by python. The planes travel at 50-60m/s (180-216km/h)
The spawner:
- MUST have "paradrop" in the name
- MUST have the team set else it might create markers for wrong team
- MUST have timeToLive of 0
- MUST have distance set
- SHOULD be linked to the main base. Make sure flag team matches template team!

This spawner will spawn two planes with 10sec in between that travel 2km before disappearing.

Code: Select all

ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner bullseye_blue_paradrop_02
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner bullseye_blue_paradrop_02
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "Wouter"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 paradrop
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 10
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 10
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 0
ObjectTemplate.Distance 2000
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1
ObjectTemplate.maxNrOfObjectSpawned 2 2
This will only spawn one plane that travels 1km.

Code: Select all

ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner bullseye_blue_paradrop
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner bullseye_blue_paradrop
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "Wouter"
ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 paradrop
ObjectTemplate.minSpawnDelay 99999
ObjectTemplate.maxSpawnDelay 99999
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 0
ObjectTemplate.Distance 1000
ObjectTemplate.teamOnVehicle 1 2
The direction they move is simply set by the rotation of the ObjectSpawner.
Some other things to consider:
- Make sure the distance is not too long. If it reaches out of the map, the markers will wrap around and show on the wrong side. Always make sure the planes end inside map borders
- Make sure to set it high enough so players wont get injured when pulling the parachute. Also make sure it is not on the ground. Forgot to move it into the air on one test and was puzzled why it moved so weirdly :p
- Dont give any other rotation besides yaw (x-value)
- Dont place the start of the planes close to a spawn point. It will create the green parachute icon and will look like that spawnpoint is a parachute one.
Last edited by Mats391 on 2015-09-03 17:21, edited 1 time in total.

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re: Parachute spawns

Post by Mineral »

New tutorial for setting up parachute spawns for v1.3.5
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