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Issues logging in to PC

Posted: 2015-08-08 20:52
by matty1053

Today I'm experiencing issues logging into my PC. Never had this issue before.

I have Vista 32 (gonna upgrade soon) and the last thing I remember doing was on Chrome browsing amazon. And Anti virus was doing a scan. My power went out in the middle of me on my pc. (Just went out for 10 seconds then went back on.) I have it on a heavy duty surge protector.

Giving the error when attemting to log in... User profile service failed the log on.

I'll probably take apart my pc if I need to. Just asking you guys on here tho.

Thanks much.

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Re: Issues logging in to PC

Posted: 2015-08-08 21:16
by DC_K
your user profile got corrupt most likely

try this, to restore:

spam f8 as you start up PC>safemode w/ networking>once you're in search/open run for rstrui.exe>restore to an earlier point

if you search the web there's other ways of fixing, which includes messing with the registry or creating a new profile and copy+pasting. all of these methods will fix your issue

Posted: 2015-08-08 21:51
by matty1053
Ok thank you DC,

I'll try it later and get back.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Posted: 2015-08-09 04:35
by matty1053
Solved and worked, thanks a lot DC!

Time to back up the files and games to a external HDD and transfer them over to my new PC when i get it

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