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Button Config, need help

Posted: 2015-08-16 13:23
by Pr0ducent3n
Hello. Just got this game today, Im looking forward to The Squad so much that I needed to try this game out :)

Now to my problem, I just went in to config my button, The run is on Left Shift and Crouch are on Left Ctrl. I want them the otherway around. (crouch = Left Shift, Sprint = Left Ctrl)

And heres the thing. I have to change the button in every other catigory, and the only thing that keeps popping up when Im trying to assing Left Shift to crouch is that It?s in use for the Helicopter. I have litterly eraste al buttons for the helicopter-section, and that messege still popping up when im trying to assing the crouch to Left Shif.

Any Idees on how to fix this ?


Re: Button Config, need help

Posted: 2015-08-16 16:39
by DC_K

go to documents/projectreality/profiles/000x

open controls.con

lets do crouch first

look for "ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICrouch IDFKeyboard IDKey_"
this is only to find where it is, make sure you edit the WHOLE line
to bind it as left shift, the whole line will be:
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICrouch IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftShift 0 0

to change sprint: make sure you pay attention to this one, as there's several of this line. this line will be AT THE VERY TOP, under the "InfantryPlayerInputControlMap" category , don't edit anything else.
search for "ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PISprint IDFKeyboard IDKey_"
remember, that is not the entire line, this is only to find it
to change it to left control, paste this entire line over this
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PISprint IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftCtrl 0 0

i've tested it in game and it works as infantry, can't attest to how it'll affect other vehicles, but i don't think it will

Re: Button Config, need help

Posted: 2015-08-16 21:51
by Pr0ducent3n
DC_K wrote:yes

go to documents/projectreality/profiles/000x

open controls.con

lets do crouch first

look for "ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICrouch IDFKeyboard IDKey_"
this is only to find where it is, make sure you edit the WHOLE line
to bind it as left shift, the whole line will be:
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PICrouch IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftShift 0 0

to change sprint: make sure you pay attention to this one, as there's several of this line. this line will be AT THE VERY TOP, under the "InfantryPlayerInputControlMap" category , don't edit anything else.
search for "ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PISprint IDFKeyboard IDKey_"
remember, that is not the entire line, this is only to find it
to change it to left control, paste this entire line over this
ControlMap.addKeyToTriggerMapping c_PISprint IDFKeyboard IDKey_LeftCtrl 0 0

i've tested it in game and it works as infantry, can't attest to how it'll affect other vehicles, but i don't think it will

Thank you. It works like a charm now :D

Re: Button Config, need help

Posted: 2015-08-21 04:16
by DesmoLocke
Enjoy PR! Hope to see you in Squad soon!