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BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2015-08-17 12:22
by eversmen_br
The cannon on the BMP 1 is pretty bad , i find just easier to use the machine gun that does not have any drop ...
It's weird, having to compensate cannon drop beyond 100m on a APC...
If it is to be designed like the insurgent tow car, then dis-consider this feedback.
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2015-08-17 12:36
by Cossack
eversmen_br wrote:The cannon on the BMP 1 is pretty bad , i find just easier to use the machine gun that does not have any drop ...
It's weird, having to compensate cannon drop beyond 100m on a APC...
If it is to be designed like the insurgent tow car, then dis-consider this feedback.
Did you noticed, its low velocity cannon?
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2015-08-17 13:30
by Jacksonez__
eversmen_br wrote:The cannon on the BMP 1 is pretty bad , i find just easier to use the machine gun that does not have any drop ...
It's weird, having to compensate cannon drop beyond 100m on a APC...
If it is to be designed like the insurgent tow car, then dis-consider this feedback.
0:27 you can see the shell, so it's traveling rather low speed.
The muzzle velocity of the OG-9 is 290 m/s (950 ft/s)
BMP-3 2A70 cannon fires 300 m/s but it is rifled cannon. BMP-1 cannon is smooth bore.
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2015-08-17 19:09
by viirusiiseli
eversmen_br wrote:If it is to be designed like the insurgent tow car
It is essentially the same
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2015-08-17 19:25
by Jacksonez__
viirusiiseli wrote:It is essentially the same
Both SPG-9 and BMP-1 use the same ammunition (PG-9V grenade), same caliber (73mm), smooth bore.
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2015-08-28 15:27
by Dread_UA
Velocity of PG-9 ammunition at start 400 m/s, when activates engine speed ups to 665 m/s. But PG-9 munition have a "clear" shot 765 meters. Max distance to shoot at armored target 1300m, after PG just self destructed. Also on BMP/BMD-1 can be used grenades like OG-15V. They have "Clear" shot 1200-1300m. And max 4400m.
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2015-09-03 12:41
by eversmen_br
ok so it's like the SPG... i thought so
i just found it weird being so close to a target (100-200m) and having to compensate the drop.
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2016-01-24 11:39
by KingKong.CCCP
Hehe, you're complaining about the same thing BMP1 crew did.

And because of this BMP2 has 30mm gun... which seems like a step back from 73mm in the first version... but it's not.
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2016-02-04 19:48
by Brozef
Last time I gunned a BMP 1 the AP rounds did not drop at all and the Frag dropped worse than regular SPG, is this still a thing?
Re: BMP 1 Cannon DROp
Posted: 2016-02-05 13:52
by Barbrady
Brozef wrote:Last time I gunned a BMP 1 the AP rounds did not drop at all and the Frag dropped worse than regular SPG, is this still a thing?
The AP has a little drop, I'm sure. The FRAG round is heavier, so it's realistic I guess.