how do i get rid of the display glich or whatever

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Joined: 2015-08-16 03:52

how do i get rid of the display glich or whatever

Post by LockGaming2 »

every time i try to play PR it SAY put display mode on i put it but it keeps going back to nothing :sad:
Posts: 508
Joined: 2010-07-21 11:27

Re: how do i get rid of the display glich or whatever

Post by DC_K »

what is your resolution?

open launcher>support>copy paste here


what you could try in the mean time:

go to video.con in your documents/projectreality/profiles/000x/
open using notepad
search for the line that says


make sure you have the correct resolution at 60hz

for example, mine is VideoSettings.setResolution 1920x1080@60Hz
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