W10 with w95/98 game F-22 Lightning3

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W10 with w95/98 game F-22 Lightning3


My son found an old flight sim F22 lighting3 and asked if we could play it....

Minimum spec: Win95/98-Pentium 133(yes 1core 133Mhz with 66 bus!)GPU compatable W95 - 32Mo RAM - 220Mo disk space

Actual: W10/64 - 2500k 4 core@ 4.3Ghz - GTX970 -8GB RAM - Batman 33000Mb of install

I didn't think it would work, but after clicking on install on the autoplay and waiting about +5 minutes it came up with the input key window and it works.

The big delay is rather strange I can only guess Windows in downloading something.

I think about the tech from this 99 game to now 133/200Mhz single core to 4000Mhz quad or more cores.

I find the graphics shockingly good bearing in mind the age and am quite impressed that win10 can work this old game.

Here's A little film, we've got Lock on but it's too hard.

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Re: W10 with w95/98 game F-22 Lightning3

Post by MaSSive »

If you have any problems try to run it in w98 compatibility mode or even XP if you dont have w98 on the list showing. If there are no crashes then I suppose youre good with software requirements ( DX, VC++ etc... )

You can also assign it to only one core and see if that helps. Task manager find process, right click on it and selct affinity, and use cpu0 only.

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