I'm hoping someone can help me out identifying a model of laptop that would be good for playing PR.
Lenovo because I like their build quality, I own an R61 (2007) but it's too slow even at 800x600 so I'm trying to ID a model somewhere in between the latest and the R61.
I cross checked some 3dMark06 scores and I think i'm looking at spending 280squid (alot) for a used ThinkPad X230.
Its integrated HD 4000 hits 7450, my old rig is not far off 7357. Give or take 300Mhz and a gig of ram.
To allow external display would be advantageous, but could tax gpu a little more...
The R61 is perfect though. Tough and conveniently sized, but just needs more power for graphics.
I did consider using external PCIe graphics card in breakout configuration via the PCMCIA slot and this device:
Any suggestions?
Also I really dislike shiny panels on them newer models.