Norwegian Forces - Community Tasks

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Norwegian Forces - Community Tasks

Post by H.sta »

Norwegian Forces Community Tasks
This list contains the current unfinished tasks required to finish the Norwegian Forces Faction


Completed textures and model, has been 99% for a long time and had its texture finished recently.


CURRENT STATUS: High poly model being made for Normals.


Needs proper coding and animation.


ELCAN Specter
Needs a rework to comply with PR standards and uses. This scope is being bought in large numbers. a 4x Scope to compliment the 3x Magnifier designed to be used with the Aimpoint. This will be used alongside the 3x Magnifier for different purposes.



Sadly the retexture done by Tonnie is completely lost, no backup can be found and Tonnies hard drives were formatted when he left the development team.


Require a retexture for the F35 currently ingame. This is a low priority task as no map is currently planned to feature the F35.



HK416 UGL Anims
With Insanitypays incredible work and Sabres amazing textures, the HK416/7s are looking amazing. Only thing missing is an animation tweak for the UGL version. For months now the animation tweak has been pushed back for more important or already established tasks by the few animators in the team. This is really the only thing currently holding us back for a push for release.



SISU X-186/203
This is one of the most numerous vehicles in the Norwegian and Finnish army, and although aging is still very much in use. Sadly this another story where the model was almost finished and the modeler left the project. The model was started originally by FastWinston, then completed by Salmonella, Salmonella then returned to a busy life without sending anyone anything he had spent months creating, remember to backup people.


Benelli Supernova Tactical
The Benelli Supernova Tactical was chosen for the increasing need for a shotgun, learning from allies fighting is suburban areas. And as a personal protection weapon for personal that might encounter close quarters encounters, or require the need for less- than- lethal ammunition.

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Re: Norwegian Forces - Community Tasks

Post by mries »

Damn, looking good, incredible work so far!
Which maps will future the Norwegians? Dovre, Dovre Winter, Nuijmaa?

And do they really get the Barret sniper rifle? That thing is a beast, isn't it used in more already ingame factions?

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Re: Norwegian Forces - Community Tasks

Post by Zeno »

mries wrote:Damn, looking good, incredible work so far!
Which maps will future the Norwegians? Dovre, Dovre Winter, Nuijmaa?

And do they really get the Barret sniper rifle? That thing is a beast, isn't it used in more already ingame factions?
Vads?, Dovre, Dovre winter is all in Norway, Nuijimaa is in Finland, might be possible to use NF as a placeholder if we are done before FDF
[R-DEV]Ninja2dan: Not having a spotter is like masturbating with a cheese grater...mildly amusing at first, but generally painful and bloody in the end.

Thornehaw: If all this have been evidently true, Battlefield is a much scarier and dirtier than ever imagined. Not a conspiracy, but a possibility. If it is true, then trusting another is quite worrisome.
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Re: Norwegian Forces - Community Tasks

Post by Kovanaama »

Looking good! How many tris in CB90? Looks amazing :)

FDF Looking for Modellers, Mappers, Textureartists and Exporters! #fdfpr @ QuakeNet orPM Hulabi
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Re: Norwegian Forces - Community Tasks

Post by Ivancic1941 »

Whats status?
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Re: Norwegian Forces - Community Tasks

Post by Deloni »

cb90 bump
Last edited by Deloni on 2022-03-26 10:30, edited 1 time in total.
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