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Selling two GTX 780 graphics cards

Posted: 2015-11-11 01:49
by DesmoLocke
Selling two EVGA GTX 780 Superclocked cards with stock cooler for $500 USD (firm). If you buy them both, I'll throw in an extra long SLI connector for free. :D

They'll come in their original packaging and I'll pay for shipping in the Lower 48. Otherwise, shipping cost is NOT included. I think it's a decent deal considering the GTX 780 and GTX 970 perform similarly. And GTX 970s are still going for around $320 before rebates.

I think this is an easy way for someone to try SLI if they have the system to do it with. In games that support SLI, you will experience performance equal to or even better than the mighty GTX 980 Ti :)
|-------> eBay link <-------|

Re: Selling two GTX 780 graphics cards

Posted: 2015-11-11 02:46
by DesmoLocke

Went to a reseller on Ebay. I imagine I'll see them up in his store soon lol